Online Shopping Multiplies during COVID Lock Down.

Gaby Scheer
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

By: Gabrielle Scheer

stock image from Getty Images.

The world of online shopping is continuing to expand, with seemingly no promise of slowing down in sight. Due to COVID-19, online shopping trends are more important to monitor than ever. The trajectory of online shopping trends are greatly important to learn about. Maryam Mohsin with Oberlo discusses the explosive trends in the ecommerce realm since the beginning of COVID, explaining the rapid growth of online sales, with seemingly no down spike insight, even if corona virus impacts were to lessen. Mohsin said, “people will get comfortable with the comfort and convenience it offers and the benefits of contactless payments, both of which are likely to cause a permanent behavioral shift towards digital purchases.” Now more than ever, online shopping is being boosted. In home shopping is becoming proffered, as found on MarketingWeek, “…data from the Bazaarvoice Network shows that customers started to really embrace online shopping and began setting themselves up for what looked to be a long period spent at home.” Even before COVID struck, the technology behind wildly successful ecommerce companies was growing more detailed and widespread.

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Jeff Bezos, with his groundbreaking ecommerce empire, has generated nearly $24 billion in revenue since the start of lock down alone, according to Oberlo. Amazon, and its vast options, offers access to all things one could need in day to day life in general, most brilliantly at times like this where many are confined to their own home. Amazon, most specifically, is benefiting from the lock down due to its expansive stock, from workout equipment, to technology, even to fresh delivered groceries. Amazon gives the consumer no reason to look elsewhere, while its competition can not look away. It is no surprise that he trends of online shopping are geared upwards, and equally no secret that online shopping rates have no intent to plateau any time soon.

