Email Marketing Strategy For Brand Awareness

Clickon Gadget
5 min readNov 15, 2018


Despite the business and industry verticals marketing strategies are implemented to reach targeted audiences and convert them into potential customers. There are various marketing channels evolved in recent times with the enormous growth of mobile technology and social media channels. A perfect marketing strategy will fit into the buyer’s journey and meet their requirements then turn them into privileged customers. Here I would like to talk about a traditional and most effective marketing strategy that would result in considerable ROI.

What is Email marketing:

Email is one of the common channels that we use to communicate within the organization or outside the organization. With the evolution of technology and smart devices we use, the number of global Email users raised to more than 34%. According to Radicati group, an average of 196 billion emails float every day, out of this 109 billion emails are business emails. Using Email as the marketing channel for user engagement and lead nurturing will give you comprehensive results.

Image source: Pcmag

Email marketing was started early in 1970s, since then it has a significant impact on user engagement, lead nurturing, and conversions. This is considered to be one of the most powerful marketing strategies in business planning and promotion. Comparatively, Email marketing is the most cost-effective strategy that makes you stand against the competition. Even I receive dozens of emails pertaining to product purchases, technology news, job opportunities, and various promotional emails.

How do I or you get these Emails? Merely we subscribed to those services with our vested interests. The companies or brands will send out an email campaign to reach and engage with the subscribed users. But do you really open it? you are not sure. Do you know why we generally don’t open the promotional emails? Because they are not customized, segmented, personalized, and not familiar to us.

Top traits of a successful Email Marketing strategy

Identify Audiences:

Firstly, audiences are the key factors to execute any kind of marketing plan. In the case of Email marketing, every organization should have a unique and defined set of audiences to reach out. Unless you have the user database planning and spending hours together will not yield any results. Perhaps, executing an email campaign to unknown users will degrade your trust factor eventually.

I usually delete the emails without opening it which are not relevant to me.

Personalized Emails:

This is the most considering factor while executing an email campaign. We generally send bulk emails without personalized wishes in the subject line. This will have a negative impact on user perception. The more you personalized the more click through rate you will get. According to a report, personalized emails are likely to get around 20% CTR than others.

Try to wish the reader with their name or greet them with a welcoming message.

Source: Pcdrum

Conversational content:

There are few email campaigns where they directly go for a sales pitch despite the buyer journey. They more talk about the brand and their product value. To execute a successful email marketing strategy tailor your content more like a conversation center rather than a robot. Because humans love to converse with humans instead of brands and logos. If you can craft the conversational content you can drive more traffic and engagement with the users. You can ask them to comment, share, and visit the website at the bottom of the email.

One SEO expert found that email visitors were more engaged and turned into potential customers than anybody else. A well-designed email outreach can benefit you in building trust factor among the user fraternity.

Segmentation of industries and businesses:

Having a large pool of user database is imperative. But treating all the contacts as one entity will yield discriminating marketing results. As one size-fit-for-all strategy won’t work for all the contacts you need to segment them into the industry, business, and geography conditions.

You can not send “Buy a smartphone” Email campaign for those who are looking for “insurance plan”. So it is advised to segment the users and strategize the marketing plan according to their interested verticals.

Mobile friendly content:

Usage of smartphones has raised enormously in recent times. The first thing we do in the morning is checking calls, messages, and alerts if any. Emails are the part of alerts we generally look for. Any content that was sent to targeted audiences should be mobile friendly and easily accessible. A recent study suggested more than 61% of the emails were opened on the mobile devices. Furthermore, mobile first indexing is the latest feature rolled out from Google to enhance the user experience.

When you send a business email and it is not well-optimized, then what do you think they do with? Mostly, they will unsubscribe or delete it.

Automate Email Campaigns:

Selecting the list of users and sending emails in-person is tedious and no use. Go for a smart solution which can automate the email campaigns. There are a plethora of email management tools to available in the market to automate the process. Hence you can concentrate on business planning instead of shooting emails. Other benefits with the automation tools are you can track the KPIs, subscribed and unsubscribed users.

Even though the email marketing strategy is not a new concept, still it can have a significant impact on user engagement and sales. A well-designed email campaign would make you stand out from the competition with sustainable ROI. Above all, it is cost-effective than SEO, PPC, and other marketing channels.



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