Custom logic from Accept header with Tapir

Gaël Jourdan-Weil
3 min readOct 29, 2023


🎯 Goal

Imagine a endpoint in which you need to apply custom logic based on the Accept header of the requests.

For instance, the endpoint might return the data in different formats like JSON or plain text.

😐 The naive approach

The naive approach would be to implement an Endpoint that:

  • reads the Accept header as an input parameter
  • outputs a String mapped to multiple formats

Something like this:

import sttp.tapir.*

val myEndpoint: PublicEndpoint[String, Unit, String, Any] = endpoint
// Hide the header in OpenApi doc as it's already automatically provided due to the response Content-Type choices
// Order is important: 1st one will be the default if no Accept header provided
// It should match server implementation behavior as well
stringBodyAnyFormat(Codec.string.format(CodecFormat.Json()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8),
stringBodyAnyFormat(Codec.string.format(CodecFormat.TextPlain()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

And then implement the business logic like this:

import sttp.model.MediaType

def businessLogic(acceptHeader: String): Future[Either[Unit, String]] = {
// Extract the MediaType from the Accept header
val requestedMediaType: MediaType = MediaType.unsafeParse(acceptHeader)
// Implement real logic
val str: String = if (requestedMediaType == MediaType.TextPlain) {
"some plain text"
} else {
"some json"

👌 This works fine in simple cases where the Accept request header contains a single value like application/json or text/plain.

It also sets automatically the Content-Type header in the response correctly as Tapir does it automatically from the Accept request header.

💥 But… it doesn’t work when you start using real-life complex Accept headers value like application/json,text/plain;q=0.9 which define several accepted content types with some preference rules.

🤯 The right approach

In order to make it work in complex cases, we only need to tweak a bit the previous code.

The first thing is to read the Accept header as a list of types sorted by preference rather than a simple String.

To do so, Tapir gives us a nice helper:

import sttp.model.ContentTypeRange

// Accept header is hidden in SwaggerUI because response "Content-type" can be chosen in the UI and sets it implicitly
// This is automatic when using extractFromRequest, otherwise we could have used .schema(_.copy(hidden = true))
private val acceptHeader: EndpointInput[Seq[ContentTypeRange]] =
// Extract the Right part of acceptsContentTypes
.mapDecode(accepts => DecodeResult.Value(accepts.getOrElse(Seq.empty)))(Right(_))

That we can then use in the endpoint definition as a replacement for the raw header we used previously:

-    .in(header[String]("Accept").schema(_.hidden(true)))
+ .in(acceptHeader)

For a complete result of:

val myEndpoint: PublicEndpoint[String, Unit, String, Any] = endpoint
stringBodyAnyFormat(Codec.string.format(CodecFormat.Json()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8),
stringBodyAnyFormat(Codec.string.format(CodecFormat.TextPlain()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

Then, in the business logic, we can also use a helper from Tapir to implement some logic based on the accepted types:

import sttp.model.{ContentTypeRange, MediaType}

// Note: Tapir already does a check automatically against the possible output types defined in the endpoint
// This method purpose is to extract the type to use
// Theoretically this will always lead a Some() if supportedTypes is not empty
private def extractBestType(accepts: Seq[ContentTypeRange], supportedTypes: Seq[MediaType]): Option[MediaType] = {
if (accepts.isEmpty) {
} else {
MediaType.bestMatch(supportedTypes, accepts)

def businessLogic(acceptHeader: Seq[ContentTypeRange]): Future[Either[Unit, String]] = {
extractBestType(acceptHeader, Seq(MediaType.ApplicationJson, MediaType.TextPlain)) match {
case Some(requestedMediaType) =>
// Implement real logic
val str: String = if (requestedMediaType == MediaType.TextPlain) {
"some plain text"
} else {
"some json"
case None =>
// Implement a better error message and optionally make it go in the error channel
Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Unable to provide requested type"))

🚀 Now, this works in all cases and moreover it’s compliant with Tapir’s own computation (like for the response Content-Type).

