7 philosophies for success by Jim Rohn

Gael OE
4 min readMar 15, 2017


I’ve recently watched Jim Rohn videos — some of the conferences he gave in the late 90s, early 2000. I’ve watched and listen to them over and over for the last few weeks, until I can remember by heart some 10-minute blocks of speech by him.

Incredibly inspiring, and I’d like to share with you a few concepts I find very valuable to remind ourself over and over. These philosophies can help you getting happier and wealthier.

In today’s YouTube video, I break down Jim Rohn’s 7 strategies for wealth and happiness.

1. The set of the sail

It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.

2. Learn to set goals.

You need to have goals. Big and small, it’s important for you to have goals and have them real clear in your mind. When you have the clarity of a goal, living your dream life becomes so much easier. When you don’t have goals, , it’s impossible to manage your time effectively and get the life you want. For example at OneLife, I have a clear goal of people I contact each week. It doesn’t matter wether they are interested to know more or not, I must talk to at least 2 people each and every day. By doing this, I grew to over 600 people in my downline in 6 months.

3. Study success.

Success always leaves good clues. You gotta look at successful people and understand why they’re successful. Break it down to simple questions like: What are the daily/weekly/monthly habits they have put in place. What tactics and strategies are they using? Once you found out, use the same success strategies yourself. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Knowledge can be found meeting with successful people, buying a book, or attending course on a specific skill you lack to perform at 100% and reach your goals.

A good definition of failure: A few errors in judgment repeated everyday.

4. Keep a journal.

This is a tough one for many people — to keep a journal and taking notes everyday on anything interesting to review, to think about, to remember, to read months later… Jim Rohn kept a journal with him all the time, eager to note any valuable lessons he experienced, heard or noticed on any given day. He would even take his journal at the church, and take notes on, what he would call ‘Classic’ sermons. For network marketers, we’ve got to attend lots of meetings (also called “trainings”), with people giving their experiences and success. This is the best time to have your journal and take notes on what works, and what doesn’t.

5. Don’t be a follower, be a good student.

Don’t just go do what someone says or writes. Take interest in what someone says, then debate it, ponder it and consider it from all angles.

6. Profits are better than wages.

As Jim Rohn says, “when working for a company, you earn a salary to make a living — when you work for yourself, you earn profits to make a fortune”. To me, that’s the most powerful philosophy. Working for yourself is not the easiest, but surely the safest way to become wealthy. Another quote would be “If you’re not working on your own dream, you’re working on someone else’s”. But starting a company can be really tough. You usually need capital. And lots of time until you start making money or even just break even. And that’s why Jim Rohn has been a fervent supporter of network marketing . As he recalls, when he was 25, he had “pennies in his pocket, nothing in the bank, creditors were calling and he was behind on his promises to his family”. He met a man who proposed him to join his network marketing company and that’s how he learnt the beauty of network marketing: “you can start part time, to work on your fortune”. He quit his job after he was making more than twice his salary on his part time job.

If you also work full-time for someone, wish to earn some extra money each month and maybe become independent after a year or two, there’s nothing better than network marketing. I recommend OneLife.

7. Learn how to live well.

You can be happier by sharing more and becoming the person who gives a little more to the world. And actually, giving is way more satisfying than receiving. And it’s not only about money. Giving has many shapes. What matters is that you understand that giving is a sign of strength, not weakness. When I first started to make some extra money with Onelife, I made a point to use that money for my kids and my wife. I’ve started to give better tips around me. I’ve changed my mindset and it truly makes me happier.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. In the video I’ve recorded, I dive even deeper on Jim Rohn’s philosophies. You’ll learn…

  • Why wishing it were easier is the wrong mindset — and what to do instead
  • Why the economy has nothing to do with your success or failure
  • The importance of “being a good student, not just a follower”



Gael OE

Entrepreneur living in Thailand with a passion for cryptocurrency, marketing and sailing.