My Experience at General Assembly, London

Gaetano Barreca
2 min readAug 9, 2019


Software Engineering Immersive course, May-August 2019

I had first been introduced to programming at University, when compiling my Pompeii digging research, by getting involved in the first archaeological database ever created, the Archeo-Tisbe. Since then, I have always been fascinated by the world of tech and always wanted to understand more. For this reason, I surrounded myself with engineers friends, and I was always fascinated by complex problems and their creative solutions. I discovered that programming excited me and I wanted to learn more. This soon turned into a desire to pursue this as a new career.

Having found General Assembly’s Software Engineer Immersive course, I knew it was the right choice for me. Covering such a vast array of content in three months was highly appealing, as I knew I would get the best holistic knowledge possible to kick start my tech career. Whilst it was extremely intense, I loved my time at GA. First and foremost, one of the best aspects of the course was the amazing people around me. I was surrounded by such talented and interesting individuals from different backgrounds, which provided a new perspective and gave me the confidence to explore this new domain. I learnt so much from their different approaches to problems and teamwork. The most important takeaway from the course is the feeling that everything is achievable. Despite numerous challenges, I kept the confidence in my ability to learn coding up, and found great value in asking people’s opinions and their reasoning behind decisions, as I feel this is truly the best way to learn. I now cannot wait to work in a forward-thinking team applying these new abilities.

