About SolarBlox (SBX)

Gagandeep singh
2 min readSep 2, 2022

About SolarBlox (SBX) : This is very nice project and his quality is satisfy. I believed that this project is successful very quickly and great for us. i hope, it will be success for future plan. Project is very good . I am sure this project later when launching will be a lot of its enthusiasts because this project has a solid team structure and trusted. You can see there mission and vision.

SolarXell applied Big Data from NASA and Metronome, AI to calculate and forecast the power generation in the next 30 years at the specific latitude, longitude location and IoT for actual consumption. We used these kinds of things for seven consecutive years. Furthermore, we can plug in solar in every type of human transportation such as land in the form of ground-mounted, the air in the form of rooftop and carport, and water in the form of floating solar. Also, SolarXell has multi-national companies (MNCs) as its clients, unintentional promises that we can operate SolarBlox smoothly 365/24/7.

This is a strong foundation for SolarBlox because the best operation and maintenance will generate the best return on investment for our investors across the planet.

Solarblox project plans to invest in solar infrastructure to increase the renewable energy ratio. Solar infrastructure can be packaged and distributed as investment products. In our perspective, we are generating revenue for power generated by a solar investment. The legislation of the Carbon Credit future will further benefit our low carbon operation.

Mission and Vision: This is a fantastic initiative that will only get better. This is the best tool; they’ve made significant progress in the creation and application of blockchain.

The project supported by experienced and highly qualified team, which in my opinion is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest possible time and I hope they succeed. The one significant quality, which makes blockchain technology a revolutionary product is its decentralization. Decentralization refers to a system with no intermediary authority like a banking or financial body, and it distributes the right of authority from a single entity to multiple individuals. Still, many investors and traders have been investing in digital currency through centralized exchanges, which is not following the blockchain controls everything from funds to transactions. To get rid of this exchange intermediary, decentralized exchanges were developed which require no entity to process the transaction.

More details on the website: https://solarblox.co/

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Gagandeep singh

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