CWD Staking Rates Vote — Deadline March 20, 02.00 AM

Gagandeep singh
1 min readJun 13, 2022


CWD Global is an open source DAO with its own blockchain, created in 2019. The platform developers took the works of Daniel Larimer — the creator of the DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus and the BitShares blockchain as foundation, and built on top of it with 50 new operations to create a platform that aims to guarantees equality to all its users.

CWD coin grants voting rights, staking opportunities, rewards, ability to participate in gaming area and create a business account on the platform.

Dear CWD Coin Holders,

We strongly encourage you to take an active part in our staking % vote. It is entirely up to you to determine staking returns for the following 3 months for all of us, so please, take the time to cast your vote until the deadline.

Deadline: March 20, 02.00 AM

We would also like to announce our presence on Medium & Twitter! Your Twitter support is of most importance, as it will help CWD get the exchange listing it’s currently after! Thank you!

CWD Twitter:

CWD Medium:

#cwdglobal #daocwdglobal #blockchain #bitshares #forkbitshares #dpos #cwdphoenix #DAOCWDGlOBAL



Gagandeep singh

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