Introduction DLORD

Gagandeep singh
2 min readJun 14, 2022



A rapidly expanding audience for cryptocurrencies resulted in explosive growth in the number of new coins/tokens and highly inflated valuations. The problem is that the majority of these coins have no underpinning collateral.

The few exceptions that we have are called stable coins. The biggest stable coin by market capitalization is Tether (USDT), with more than $80 billion of market capitalization. To our best knowledge, there is no audited report of the alleged US deposits that are supposed to back this currency. Many stable coins are “overcollateralized”, but the collateral is… other crypto coins and tokens. So, in case of a significant market selloff, the collateral will disappear when it is needed the most.

As we expected over the last few months, we have seen a market correction alongside the collapse of some significant projects, with the largest one being Terra Luna and undercollaterised “stable” coin UST.

Overall, backing up crypto by fiat currencies or physical assets does not make sense as it has already been done successfully in the traditional markets by financial products such as ETFs.

General lessons learned from recent crypto projects: there are plenty of frauds, Ponzi schemes, and rug pulls. Most crypto projects suffer from a lack of:

  • Proper legal structure
  • Transparent management
  • Corporate governance
  • Independent reporting and audit

Hence, we decided to create a new crypto product that would take the crypto investment to the next level, meeting the concerns of conservative investors.

Our Digital Landlord (DLORD) is a crypto token (to be followed by coin) that is deflationary and backed by a perpetual digital assets portfolio, generating inflation-linked cash flow.

The main values of DLORD are as follows:

  • Transparency (Legal structure by UK law firm and ongoing corporate governance)
  • Integrity (DLORD team has a very strong background fully committed to the project)
  • Professionalism (DLORD team is comprised of a highly skilled and successful team with an impressive track record)
  • Innovation (Unique strategy and proprietary business model)
  • Meritocracy (all token holders can participate in token governance programs. All token holders will be rewarded for contribution to the development of the DLORD portfolio)
  • Agile (Flexibility to adapt to changing markets and legislation)

Our vision is to use a decentralised blockchain network to provide millions of investors across the globe with digital access to unique investment assets.

#dlord #digitallandlord #crypto #blockchain # #cryptocurrency #blockchaintechnology #stablecoin



Gagandeep singh

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