MoonBear.Finance Starts A Petition

Gagandeep singh
1 min readNov 16, 2021


Dear, Moon bear family,

As we have mentioned on our website, one of our main goals to support a really special cause — Moon bears.

We plan to do that through different activities.

We have already started talking with some charity organizations, but we’ll share more in the future.

At the same time, we have also done something unique, something that can help even more than just a simple donation.

We have started a PETITION.

It’s called: “#ReleaseTheMoonBear — The Perpetual Torture Of An Entire Species In The Name Of Vanity

Here is the link —

You can support the cause by going through only 2 simple steps:

1. Sign up the petition(hundreds of people have already done it)
2. Share it with your friends and communities

Please, do both steps. By doing that, you are not only supporting the cause, but also the whole project.

Now is your turn, sign it up and share.

Start here —



Gagandeep singh

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