The positive impact of 40hz to body and mind

Avigaili Berg
3 min readAug 9, 2024


Olav Skille, the inventor of Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT), emphasized the significance of the 40 Hz frequency due to its profound impact on the human body and mind. Here are some reasons why he referred to 40 Hz as the “frequency of life and vitality”:

  1. Neurological Benefits: 40 Hz is within the gamma frequency range, which is associated with cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and consciousness. This frequency helps synchronize neural activity, promoting efficient brain function and information processing.
  2. Therapeutic Potential: Research has shown that 40 Hz stimulation can reduce Alzheimer’s disease pathology, including lowering levels of amyloid-beta and tau proteins. This can help preserve neurons and synapses, potentially slowing the progression of the disease.
  3. Cellular Health: 40 Hz vibrations can enhance cellular communication and function, contributing to overall cellular health and vitality. This frequency has been linked to improved motor performance and reduced inflammation.
  4. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Listening to 40 Hz binaural beats can promote a state of relaxation and focus, making it useful for meditation and stress reduction. This can lead to improved mental and emotional well-being.

Learn more about the amazing positive impact of 40Hz:

Key Points about 40 Hz:

  • Gamma Waves: Brainwaves operate at different frequencies, and 40 Hz falls within the Gamma wave range.
  • Cognitive Function: This frequency is linked to heightened mental activity, problem-solving, and information processing.
  • Consciousness: Some research suggests it might be involved in consciousness and perception.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices like meditation can induce Gamma wave activity, associated with increased awareness and presence.
  • Potential Therapeutic Applications: While research is ongoing, there’s interest in using 40 Hz stimulation for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy.

Studies that support the positive impact of 40hz

* Small studies of 40-hertz sensory stimulation confirm safety, suggest Alzheimer’s benefits | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology


* Effects of Vibrotactile Stimulation on the Control of Muscle Tone and Movement Facilitation in Children with Cerebral Injury

* Effects of vibroacoustic Therapy on Elderly Nursing Home Residents with Depression

* The effect of low-frequency sound stimulation on patients with fibromyalgia: A clinical study

Olav Skille’s work in vibroacoustic therapy highlights the importance of specific frequencies in promoting health and well-being. TheSoundWell Vibro-Therapy, represented by TheSoundWell Vibro-Therapy, continues to carry forward his legacy by providing innovative VAT solutions in the Americas. We provide Olav Skill’e 40 hz composition as part of our therapeutic kit which include low sound frequencies between 30hz-120hz. You may download to your phone or receive a tablet with our frequencies when you purchase a whole body equipment or pillows and sonic pets.

You can stream 40hz to any of our sonic ergonomic vibroacoustic therapy equipment:

Contact us today to learn more about our low sound frequencies and our equipment

Be well

Avigaili Berg, CEO TheSoundwell

***Learn more about Olav Skille’s contribution to exploration of Low sound frequencies



Avigaili Berg

Wellness & social entrepreneur, Teamwork facilitator, Writer, Linkedin professional, therapist, Healer.