The Importance of Your Birth Name

Gail Minogue
1 min readApr 26, 2016


I get asked on occasion to assist someone in changing their birth name. This is common as many people do not like or are uncomfortable with their birth name. They either don’t like the sound, feel it doesn’t fit them or reminds them of a person they distinctly dislike. You certainly can change your name but always remember, a birth name is a record of experiences brought from past lifetimes that will influence you all of your life. These are vibratory influences that you were born with (or not as in missing letters) and indicate the overall plan for the destiny or expression of this lifetime. The letters in your name reflect your true nature. Under extreme conditions, we normally revert to our true nature.

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Gail Minogue

Gail Minogue assists individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamics of change and become master builders of their futures, relationships, and successes.