Finding my Luna

8 min readDec 23, 2020


Everyone was very excited about the coming of age ceremony. There were 8 of us that were going to have our first transformation that night. It was a full moon, and all of us could feel the tension in the air. The excitement was visible in all of our eyes. Coming of age was a huge deal, especially since we would finally get to mee the alpha of alphas. He was the oldest wolf rumoured to be at least 2000 years old, but no one knew his real age. He visited our clan every five years, and it so happened that this year’s visit had fallen on our ceremonial full moon.

That evening we all got ready in the room above the meeting hall. A few minutes before the ceremony started, and we were supposed to go downstairs, my inner wolf began to howl. I had been in touch with her ever since I turned 18 two weeks before, but this time it was different. It was almost like she was crying out loud. The next minute, the sweetest scent of sandalwood that I have ever smelt filled the room. This scent was peculiar because I had never come across it before. Just a moment after that, I felt the change coming onto me, the uncontrollable shaking, and I burst out of my dress without warning. It was my first time transforming, and it was a total shock. I could not understand what had brought this on, and it took me a second to realize that my wolf had taken over, and I was already out of the room and running down the stairs to the meeting hall where the rest of the pack was assembling.

At that moment, there was the loudest howl I had ever heard in my life, and all around me, I saw the rest of the tribe seem to quiver. But for some reason, this howl was like a call to my soul. I looked towards the direction from which the howling was coming, and there stood the largest wolf I had ever seen. He was at least two heads taller than me, and his fur was the most decadent midnight black. His eyes seemed to bare into my soul, and at that moment, it clicked for my inner wolf and me. This was our Mate!


This trip was going to be different. I could feel it already, so could my wolf. The last three times I had visited Alpha Vincent’s pack, I had sensed that something was pulling and begging me to stay. Every time it seemed to grow stronger, and I was harder to leave each time. This had been my tribe over 2000 years ago, and I always looked forward to running in the hills I had grown up in and let loose. This feeling of nostalgia I understood, but over the past 18 years, this new feeling did not make sense. My wolf was particularly restless this trip. As soon as my betas and I crossed the border into Alpha Vincent’s pack’s land, the usual faint scent of peppermint hit my nostrils. This time it seemed a little bit stronger with a more mature sweetness to it. My wolf was already whining, and I knew a run this night was going to do us both some good. When I entered the meeting hall, the scent hit me with three times the force it had ever hit me; for a moment, I lost control of my wolf, and I felt my eyes shift from their usual blue to the yellow. My beta Trevor also saw my behaviour, and he immediately put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. The rest of my betas were in crouched positions looking for the threat.

I had to open my mind link to my betas to let them know there was no threat, but they were all as confused as I was by my wolf’s behaviour. At that moment, I heard noises upstairs, and a slight silver wolf with the most bottomless brown eyes rushed into the room. I had just a second to take in the situation before my wolf pushed through and transformed without coaxing. He let a howl that was so loud I saw some of my betas involuntarily bow at its weight. Then the peppermint scent seemed to sear itself into my nose and on my tongue. As my eyes met hers, all the years of confusion and torment and loneliness just melted away, and my old heart raced like a newly transformed wolf.

I decided to take hold of my wolf at that moment because it was evident that this was her first shift from how her fur looked patchy though it was the most beautiful colour I had ever seen. I approached her very slowly, never losing eye contact, oblivious of the crowd around us. I could not resist the urge to lick her snot, to which she let out a small whine. I circled her twice to make sure she was real, for she had made me wait for 2000 years, and she was finally here. My heart was full of joy, and my wolf let out a howl of happiness this time, for I knew she was safe, and she was here with me. The rest of the betas and Vincent’s pack echoed my howling. Then she delicately pointed her snot up to the sky and joined the pack in celebration. My Luna had been found.


His eyes were all I could think of, how I got lost in them when he looked at me and how it elevated me to a level I never knew existed. His scent seemed to be clinging to my nostrils even though we were not together at the moment. After the excitement had died down, Madam Alpha Katya had led me back upstairs, where she coaxed me to transform back. This took a bit because my first transformation had been involuntary. After that, I had to get a new dress for the coming of age ceremony as I had torn through the first one. As soon as I set down, all the other girls started to bombard me with questions about how I felt and how excited I was, but at that moment, my heart and mind were somewhere else. All their questions did not register until one of them asked if I was excited to be Luna. This took a minute for me to process. I hadn’t thought to find out who my mate was, except I knew he was not from my tribe. In the back of my mind, I had thought he was one of the betas that had come with the Alpha of Alpha, and it had not for a moment registered to me that from his stature and the howling that it might be him.

My excitement was immediately replaced by anxiety; he had seen me as a wolf; what if he did not think I was beautiful enough to be Luna. What if he did not like my body shape or my hair colour, or my personality? What if the tribes do not think I am worth being Luna? All these insecurities passed through my brain in waves. My wolf was not happy with this train of thought and was already trying to take over again. Madam Alpha came back to get us to come down for the ceremony. We all lined up to go downstairs, and as we were descending, I could feel his eyes on me. I could not bring myself to look up, and I kept my eyes glued to my feet throughout the whole ceremony.


My wolf was not happy when she had to get ready for her coming of age ceremony; I, too, was very dissatisfied. I wanted to whisk her away and have her to myself and get to know her. All my betas were very happy as I was, it had been a long wait and had been hard to watch all of them find their mates, and I was all alone. But finally, the moon Goddess had granted me my prayers. As they were descending the stairs for their ceremony, there was no mistaking her. She had the same silver blond hair that fell in waves down to her waist, her skin was sun-kissed, and the deep red dress she wore complimented her features. I was inching in anticipation to see if her eyes were the same beautiful brown as her wolf, but she never looked up. This confused me because our wolves had had a deep connection in their first meeting, and I had been hoping for the same for us too, but she seemed as though she did not want to look at me. I had not pegged her for the shy type, but I rationalized and hoped that this was why she seemed to be avoiding my gaze. There were also cases, though rare, where wolfs were mates, but the humans were not attracted to each other in the same sense. At that moment, I prayed to the Goddess not to curse me with such a situation, for I could already feel myself falling for her.

My thought process was broken when I heard her recite her pledge for her official initiation into the pack. Her voice flowed so smooth, and it had a siren-like call to me. I knew I wanted to spend the next thousand years listening to that sweet voice. When she finished her pledge, she looked up, and our eyes met; my heart started racing so fast, and I was lost in the same deep brown as those of her wolf. The next second she looked down, her cheeks looking inflamed, and I thanked my lucky stars. I had the same effect she had on me. Immediately a plan began to formulate in my head, and I knew I had to act fast.

