Calling all Companies — It’s time to invest in change together.

2 min readMar 23, 2020


Why this is important right now

With the shocking news that COVID-19 brings to each of us every day — we must ask ourselves, what can we as companies do to help fight the cause?

Because before COVID-19, it was the Australian bushfires, before then it was the dengue epidemic in the Philippines, before then it was the increase in homeless across London — and before then, it was (and always will be) a never-ending list of other world challenges.

Fact #1: We as humans will always face global challenges.

Fact #2: All companies no matter how big or small, are made of people.

Fact #3: It’s time now for us as companies, to put our best foot forward — and help other people.

It’s time to invest in change together.

How things can change for your company

It’s no secret you don’t do enough Corporate Social Responsibility.

There’s too much to organise, it’s too costly and — selfishly — it doesn’t feel like you get an awful lot back.

That’s why we’re rebuilding CSR from the ground up.

We’re creating Gainly — the new way for you to engage in CSR.

Gainly is a crowdfunding platform where your employees donate your CSR
budget to charitable projects, and you share their achievements.

Meaning you get to make the positive impact our world needs. Whilst at the same time, easily —

  • publishing your CSR impact
  • engaging your employees
  • saving time and costs
  • enhancing your market-place image
  • attracting new talent
  • managing all this in one place

CSR has never before been a win-win for you, until now.

Excited? What now?

Gainly is in limited preview release and we’re currently collecting sign-ups.

If you want to join the revolution and reinvent your own Corporate Social Responsibility — then get yourself signed up and we’ll see you on there.

