Gain. Train. Live.
5 min readApr 28, 2017

Circuit Training

Welcome to my world! Circuit Training is the style of fitness that I instruct in my group fitness classes. Within this blog post, you will learn about Circuit Training, why I chose this style to teach, benefits to including this into your workout regime, and at the end I’m going to give you a sample Circuit Workout that you can do anywhere.

Let’s start off by understanding what Circuit Training is exactly. It is a form of workout that combines strength and cardio using high intensity aerobics. To achieve this, stations are set up. You move from one station to the next and a completion of all stations is one “circuit.” To begin, you start at one station and complete as many reps as prescribed or in the time allotted before you move on to the next station. This style of fitness is a great way to beat boredom. Moving quickly from one station to the next means your mind doesn’t have time to wander or tune out. You’re getting your heart rate up, strengthening your muscles, and having fun all at the same time.

Most Circuit Training typically lasts between twenty and thirty minutes, but you can make it as long or as short as you want. The best part of Circuit Training is that you get to set your own intensity, you get to push yourself as hard as you want, you don’t have to compare/compete with others, and you wont get left behind. It is a great class for the beginner, intermediate, and expert athlete and you will find a combination of these people in every class. Personally in my own classes I have had people as young as five years old and I’ve also had people in their sixty’s. There are always ways to modify stations and it is important to ask the instructor if you have any questions regarding form. Anyone can do this style, it’s just up to you if you get a good workout.

Below is a list of the many benefits to this method of fitness:

  • Maximum results in minimum time
  • Challenge your whole body
  • Mix Cardio and strength training
  • Send your metabolism soaring
  • Never waste another minute waiting in line at the gym to use equipment
  • Learn new exercises
  • Beat gym boredom
  • Every class/Circuit is different

So, why did I choose this technique to teach my group fitness classes? Because it works. Since doing these workouts, I have toned up, gotten stronger, and increased my exercise endurance. It’s always different and always giving me new ways to push myself and that is when you see results. Every class that I teach is different and has a theme based on certain muscle groups or exercises. If you’re looking for a workout that is never boring, high intensity, calorie torching, sweat inducing, and fun, then this is the style for you!

There are a couple ways I have been running my classes. I plan to incorporate other styles of Circuit Training in the future, but for now I’ve been sticking to two ways. My staple is to set up nine stations and mixing each of them up depending on the theme that day. For example, I will teach an arms, legs, and cardio class. Each station will be something different. Station one will be arms, station two will be legs, station three will be cardio, etc… There will be two circuits at the stations. Circuit one, individuals will be at each station for two minutes with ten seconds rest between them. Circuit two, they will be at each station for one minute, still with ten seconds rest in between. My other technique I have been using is having everyone do fifty reps at a station before moving on to the next one for only one circuit. Both are great ways to keep everyone moving and set a good flow to the class.

Are you ready for your circuit workout? Today’s workout, you will need a few pieces of equipment. You will need dumbbells and a weight bench. If you are doing this at home and do not have any equipment, you can use things around the house! No weights? Grab some heavy cans from the pantry. No bench? Grab a chair, table, or use stairs. This workout can be done anywhere! There will be six stations. So you can actually set up your stations so that you can move from one to the next easily, or you can just keep your equipment close and proceed to the next exercise accordingly. This is a timed circuit, so you will need a watch or timer close. Do as many reps as you can in the time given. Don’t forget to breathe, pace yourself, and push yourself. Remember, ALWAYS warm up and cool down properly before and after doing a workout. Enjoy!

GTL Drill #2

Arms, Legs, and Cardio

2 Circuits

1st Circuit: 2 mins work — 10 sec rest

2nd Circuit: 1 min work — 10 sec rest

1.) Arms: Hammer Curls

2.) Legs: Step Ups

3.) Cardio: Squat Jumps

4.) Arms: Tricep Dips

5.) Legs: Walking lunges

6.) Cardio: Burpees

I hope you learned a little bit about Circuit Training while reading this blog post. Even better, I hope it intrigued you enough to give Circuit Training a try! It’s a powerful method that will give you the results you want, trust me. Always, if you have any questions or comments feel free to comment on the post or contact me directly!

Stay Strong,



Gain. Train. Live.

I’m just here for the heavy weights and protein shakes. [Group Fitness Instructor specializing in Circuit Training and HIIT]