Gajender Sharma
4 min readJan 30, 2020

9 trends which will happen in year 2169!

The world is going through an interesting times and everyday we all are collectively working towards a better planet, better society and better future. Since the world, industries are on tipping point, And next 10 years will define how future might look like. Taking inspirations from all what is happening around us and how technology would transform the world around us, I would like to talk about how world could look like be in year 2160. The article here is excerpts from my recent book 23rd June 2169

  1. Digital displays : There will be individual digital display projected on palm or infront of everyone. which will allow. to communicate through thought alone. Mobile phones will not exist

2. Sustainability index: Every moment the sustainability index could be checked by everyone on there digital displays. This will be a key feature of future where we can watch the sustainability like we look at time every now and then. The social consciousness of the world would increase multifold and this will help in sustainability as a key part of everyone life in the future. This is good for future generations and as well as future environmental impacts which we have.

2. Universal basic income will be 100% implemented as people will be more and more engaging in activities they like rather what society demands and for this reasons many people would not take jobs rather engage in experiences of life.

3. Brain-net : Entire human population brain will be connected by internet called as brain-net and so human beings or robots or Holohumans do not have to search it on a browser as by thought alone the Answer will be fetched instantly from some one who is connected on to the brain network

4. Thought 2 X : It will be possible to have thought to call, text and 3 D printing . This will be powerful as people would be able to multitask without disturbing meetings or discussions and thoughts could be converted into text or even 3D printing to build something in the real physical world

5. Moon and Mars population would be 141 and 36 Mio respectively . Due to ongoing space explorations moon, mars will have population growth mainly from row factors

A. Space travelers from earth who will go for short term trip or business trips

B. Inhabitants: People who aspire to adventure, explore and create a new life on other planets will be motivated to continue and sustain life on moon and mars. Moon will also be hub for research an led development for other interplenetary expeditions.

6. Everyone would be able to give feedback to everyone and social behavior index would be the key harmony factor. Since the world will be digitally advanced from hyper intelligence (HI) and everything will be connected with every other things, people will be able to give feedback to not only purple but also to cars, fridge or other devices and same thing will apply to humans as they will get feedback from robots , holohumans and even cars and fridge:)

7. The population of earth would be 12 billion with robots and holohumans coexisting . This will be an interesting aspect as the digital advancement will create ecosystem which will have space for everyone and everyone will be treated with respect.

8. 3 Space elevator upto 100 km will be built . Times will be gone when people would have to pay for spaceship for space tourism but it will be more of a tourist visit to this space elevator for a day or for dinner. This will be like any other fall sky scrapers which we have in the world today.

9. Human life: Safety will be highest with 9 seconds reaction time. Humans will live 150 years of age. This will be another key feature of the year 2160 as the connectivity will allow the maximum safety for human, robots and holohumans. Any potential accident will be saved due to interconnectivity of everything connected to everything else. Currently in Japan an emergency call to ambulance results in the emergency care arrival in 5 mins and this will be reduce to 9 seconds due to flying cars, flying robots and network of safety robots which activate the network to react within a time frame of 9 seconds

If the above 9 trends excite you then you might want to read the book 23rd June 2169 which takes into account these aspect of technology changes in year 2160–2169 and when a leading scientist from earth has a mission to create artificial earth between earth and mars with the help of scientists from Mars and moon. Will Ztocmi be successful in his mission on June 23rd 2169?

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#technology #sustainability #digital #23rdJune2169 #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Future