The Google Scientists Who Pioneered an AI Revolution

Gajendra Singh
6 min readSep 24, 2023

In the world of artificial intelligence (AI), breakthroughs often emerge from a confluence of curiosity, collaboration, and innovation. One such ground breaking moment occurred at Google when a group of research scientists introduced the “transformer” model. This model paved the way for transformative advances in AI and led to the creation of some of the most powerful and influential AI applications we use today. In this blog, we will delve into the journey of these Google scientists, the development of the transformer model, and the profound impact it has had on AI and the world at large.

The Birth of an Idea

The story begins in early 2017, within the hallowed halls of Google’s Mountain View campus. Two research scientists, Ashish Vaswani and Jakob Uszkoreit, engaged in a hallway conversation that would change the course of AI history. Their discussion revolved around improving machine translation, the technology behind Google Translate.

The AI research community had long been focused on enhancing translation capabilities, and Vaswani and Uszkoreit were no exception. They were exploring a concept called “self-attention” as a potential game-changer in the field. The idea was simple yet revolutionary: rather than translating words sequentially, they envisioned a system that could process entire sentences simultaneously, capturing the rich context and relationships between words.

This concept of self-attention was akin to the alien language featured in the film “Arrival.” In the movie, extra terrestrials communicate using a non-linear language that conveys entire ideas or concepts with single symbols. The challenge was to make AI understand language in a similarly holistic manner, moving away from sequential word-by-word translation.

Enter Illia Polosukhin, a science fiction enthusiast hailing from Kharkiv, Ukraine. He joined forces with Vaswani and Uszkoreit to explore this novel concept of self-attention. Together, they believed it could revolutionize machine translation by enabling systems to read entire sentences at once, gain a deeper context, and provide more accurate translations.

Noam Shazeer, a seasoned Google veteran who had been instrumental in creating the “Did You Mean?” spellcheck function for Google Search, among other AI innovations, overheard their hallway conversation. Intrigued by the potential of self-attention, Shazeer decided to join forces with his colleagues. He recognized that this innovation could significantly benefit AI researchers and ultimately improve the lives of countless individuals.

The Collaboration Begins

The impromptu hallway conversation formalized a collaboration that spanned months. The group was on a mission to create an architecture for processing language that would change the game. This architecture would later be known simply as the “transformer.”

The eight research scientists involved in this transformative project distilled their ideas into a concise paper with an engaging title: “Attention Is All You Need.” Published in June 2017, this paper marked the beginning of a new era in artificial intelligence — an era dominated by generative AI.

The title of the paper, “Attention Is All You Need,” was a nod to the iconic Beatles song, “All You Need Is Love.” It hinted at the fundamental shift in AI thinking: that attention, in the form of self-attention, could be the key to unlocking more advanced language processing.

The Impact of the Transformer

The transformer model introduced in “Attention Is All You Need” has become the cornerstone of modern AI. Its significance stretches far beyond its initial purpose in language translation. Today, the transformer powers an array of AI applications, reshaping how we interact with technology:

1. Google Search and Translate: The transformer was originally developed to enhance Google Translate, but its impact didn’t stop there. It is now a crucial component of Google Search and Translate, providing more accurate and context-aware results.

2. Generative Language Models: The transformer architecture laid the groundwork for large language models like ChatGPT and Bard. These models can generate human-like text, answer questions, and even engage in creative writing.

3. Predictive Text and Speech Recognition: When you type a message on your mobile keyboard and see predictive text suggestions, you’re benefiting from the power of the transformer. It also plays a vital role in speech recognition by smart speakers, making voice assistants more capable than ever.

4. Beyond Language: The transformer’s versatility extends to various types of data, including images and computer code. It has enabled the creation of AI models like DALL·E, capable of generating images from textual descriptions, and GitHub Copilot, which assists developers by generating code.

The transformer’s true strength lies in its ability to process and understand complex relationships within data. It captures interactions between different elements, whether they are words in a sentence, notes in music, pixels in an image, or parts of a protein sequence. This flexibility has unlocked endless possibilities for AI-driven innovation.

The Departure from Google

While the transformer was a monumental achievement for AI research, it also shed light on a common challenge faced by industry leaders — Google, in this case. Despite fostering a talent pool of exceptional AI researchers and creating a conducive research environment, the company struggled to retain the scientists responsible for the transformer’s creation.

In a statement, Google expressed pride in its ground breaking work on transformers and acknowledged the bittersweet reality that talented staff might choose to move on. This phenomenon is a classic example of the “innovator’s dilemma,” a concept coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen. It explores why industry leaders often lose ground to smaller, emerging players.

The scientists behind the transformer had aspirations beyond research. They wanted to explore the practical applications of their work and bring their innovations to the market quickly. However, Google’s bureaucratic structure and focus on optimizing existing products hindered entrepreneurial endeavors.

The Birth of New Ventures

As a result, all eight authors of the transformer paper eventually departed from Google to embark on their entrepreneurial journeys. Each scientist pursued a unique path, applying their expertise to various domains:

1. Ashish Vaswani: Co-founder of Adept AI and later co-founder of Essential AI, Vaswani ventured into AI applications for business, focusing on innovative solutions.

2. Niki Parmar: After studying at the University of Southern California (USC) and working at Google Brain, Parmar co-founded Adept AI and joined Vaswani in founding Essential AI Labs.

3. Jakob Uszkoreit: Uszkoreit founded Inceptive, a biotech company aiming to design “biological software” using deep learning techniques. Their goal is to apply AI to create executable programs for cells in the human body.

4. Illia Polosukhin: Polosukhin co-founded Near, initially aiming to use AI to teach computers to code. The company later pivoted to blockchain payments.

5. Aidan Gomez: A young talent who interned at Google Brain, Gomez co-founded Cohere, a generative AI startup valued at over $2 billion. Cohere focuses on applying large language models to diverse business problems.

6. Noam Shazeer: Shazeer left Google to co-found, a company that empowers users to create personalized chatbots featuring various characters, from historical figures to anime characters. The company is valued at $1 billion.

7. Llion Jones: After joining Google in 2012 as a software engineer, Jones worked in various roles, including at Google Japan. He left Google to found his startup.

8. Lukasz Kaiser: A researcher with a background in Poland and Germany, Kaiser joined Google in 2013. In 2021, he left to become a researcher at OpenAI.

The Impact Beyond Google

The departure of these transformer pioneers from Google signifies a broader trend in the AI industry. It highlights the challenges faced by large, established companies in adapting to the rapidly evolving entrepreneurial landscape of AI innovation. While Google’s structure may have stifled entrepreneurialism, it could not suppress the drive of these scientists to bring their creations to life.

The transformer’s impact on AI is immeasurable. It catalyzed an explosion of innovation, attracting researchers, technologists, builders, and product developers. This period, often referred to as a “technology overhang,” sees industries integrating the latest AI advancements into products and processes, even if research progress remains stagnant.


The story of the Google scientists who pioneered the transformer model is one of serendipity, collaboration, and innovation. Their breakthrough has forever changed the landscape of artificial intelligence, enabling more advanced language processing, predictive text, and generative AI models. Moreover, it has sparked an entrepreneurial spirit that transcends the boundaries of corporate giants.

As the AI universe continues to expand, the legacy of the transformer endures. It serves as a testament to the power of human ingenuity in shaping the future of technology. In a world where curiosity and collaboration drive innovation, we can only imagine the transformative possibilities that lie ahead. The transformer pioneers have set the stage for a future where AI enriches our lives in ways we have yet to fathom, and their impact on the world of AI and beyond will be felt for generations to come.



Gajendra Singh

Global Talent Acquisition Partner | Strategic AI Hiring Expert | Leadership Hiring | Experienced HR Leader |