Galactic Gridz x Colonies Update — Mint Date & Stages + FAQ

Galactic Punks
8 min readJan 19, 2022


For those who are just coming across Galactic Gridz x Colonies for the first time, please check out our introduction post here.

We’ve received a ton of positive feedback and excitement from the Terra community after announcing Galactic Gridz x Colonies. As with most new projects, there have also been a lot of questions. In this post, we aim to clear up any confusion, answer some frequently asked questions from the community, and share our plans for the Mint date and stages.

Mint Details


The Galactic Gridz mint will take place on Saturday, February 5th. The exact time(s) are yet to be decided but will take into consideration all time zones.

How many

10,000. Each stage has a mint limit but there is no end limit to how many Gridz you can hold.


The mint will take place in 3 stages; an OG, Galactic, and Public mint. Each stage will have its own price and allow either whitelisted wallets or anyone to mint.

The term ‘whitelist’ gets thrown around a lot. Our motivation for doing the mint in stages is simple; reward the OGs and communities that make the Terra NFT space awesome.

Every stage is on a first come first serve basis. Planning your words (and a backup) ahead of time is encouraged. If someone chooses ‘hodl.luna.ser’ before you, you’ll have to think of a different combination. Be creative, have fun with it, and don’t stress too much because what are the odds another LUNAtic thinks like you… oh, wait! Yeah, better be early!

In all seriousness though, Gridz are utility NFTs and unlock your Colony + everything else that could be built on top of them. You can always change your address at a later point on the open market.

Stage 1: OGs Mint

This stage will consist of members from various Terra NFT communities, such as Galactic Punks, Colonies, Luna Bulls, Derby Stars, Levana, Terrans, Styllar, and Hell Cats. We will also offer some spots for the MonkeDAO and Anons communities in the spirit of cross-chain collaborations.

This doesn’t mean anyone holding x NFT. How these communities choose their members is up to them. Again, the point here is to reward those who contribute to the development of each community and in turn the growth of NFTs on Terra.

The total # of whitelisted wallets for this stage will be around ~600.

Price: 1.5 LUNA

Each wallet can mint 1 Galactic Gridz.

For Galactic Punks — we have decided to award 250 GP holders with OG access. This will be based on XP points gathered from activity in the Galactic Punks discord channels #general-chat, #dao-discussion-chat, and #gridz-discussion. XP has already been turned on for a while now without announcement and will be shut off on a non-advertised date. Our efforts are to identify genuine contributors to the community who don’t seek to gamify the system. DAO members are also at an advantage here since they have more channels to reap the rewards. A full announcement on this will be made via Twitter.

Stage 2: Galactic Mint

As the name suggests, this stage is for anyone holding a Galactic Punk. Here we seek to reward our GP frens and family who don’t spend as much time in the Discord and didn’t make OG status.

Each wallet can mint up to 2 Galactic Gridz.

Price: 2 LUNA

Stage 3: Public Mint

Anyone is free to mint at this time. Price 3 LUNA. No limit.


What is Galactic Gridz?

You can think about Galactic Gridz as one big planet in the Terraverse, with 10,000 plots (or Gridz). Anyone who mints a Grid owns that plot of land and can decide what’s built on-top of it. Each Grid is uniquely distinguishable by its 3 words, which act as x,y,z coordinates, a street address and the owner’s NFT pseudo-identity. This 3 worded combo (formatted word.word.word) is chosen by YOU: the minter. This is one of the first ‘Mint-Your-Own’ experiences out there.

What is Colonies?

Colonies is your customizable public display (gallery) for Terra NFTs built on top of your Grid. Confused? Think of a 2D building, such as a house, and the ability to customize how it looks. You can add decorations, upgrade the number of floors, build a garage or even a hangar for your ships. Most of all, you pick the NFTs you want to display and how.

What is the relationship between Gridz and Colonies?

Colonies is the first project to build on Galactic Gridz and use its 3 words a base layer/metaverse. You can think of Galactic Gridz = land, Colonies = home. The 3 words are your street address. Only owners of Gridz will have access to a Colony, since a Colony needs land to be built on.

Will I have access to a Colony right away?

Shortly after minting a Galactic Grid, you’ll be able to enter the Colonies app and connect your wallet to start displaying NFTs and customizing your Colony.

Is my Gridz or Colony tied to the wallet I mint with?

Gridz are NFTs and are owned by your wallet. If you sell it, you lose it. The decorations, additional rooms, or buildings that make up your Colony are also NFTs. The base room that comes with every Grid is not. When you switch addresses (aka sell your Grid) you will keep the customizable parts of your colony but will need to build it again.

A simple way to think of this is moving houses. If you sell a house and buy a new one, you move to a new plot of land with a new address (Grid). You bring your art, TV, furniture, etc along with you (customizable Colony NFTs). In this world, every group of Colony and Sector will have certain attributes — similar to how houses in certain areas all share common features.

What will my Colony look like at first?

Your Colony will start off with one room in your home. In it you will be able to display your top 8 Terra NFTs. The ability to customize your house, decorate the walls and furniture, add new floors and rooms, will come shortly after. The Colonies team has exciting ideas for the future, and you can learn more about them in their Discord.

Can I mint multiple Gridz? Why would I?

Yes you can mint multiple Gridz, depending on limits per mint stage as outlined above. It is up to you how many you want to mint. If you want multiple Colonies then you’ll need multiple plots of land (Gridz)! The same goes if you want multiple addresses/NFT identities. Gridz will also be supported on Terra NFT marketplaces for trading for those who don’t get their dream address or want to sell.

What do the 3 words mean? Why 3?

The 3 words have 3 purposes. 1) xyz coordinates for future mapping implications. 2) Your Colonies street address is searchable in the Gridz Directory. 3) An identity, like a Twitter handle, that is unique and not 40+ characters long. This identity can be used to show off NFT collections or for future applications and protocols that look to integrate.

What is the Directory?

There will be a Galactic Gridz/Colonies directory where anyone can type in the 3 words ‘word.word.word’ and up will come to the owner’s Colony + chosen NFTs.

What is the minting process like?

Enter the app and connect your Terra station wallet. It will show the current mint stage. If, and once you are eligible, pick from the set of whitelisted words and make your unique combination. If it hasn’t already been chosen you’ll be able to press ‘MINT’ and be prompted to sign a tx. If someone decided to claim that combination just as you were about to do, the tx might fail. Speed is of the essence!

What words can I choose?

There will be between 50–100 words to choose from. Each is around or less than 8 characters. We will share the complete list a few days prior to the $mint day for you to prepare. However, we have a feeling you can already guess what some of them will be.

Can I make suggestions?

If you have any ideas or desired words for your address in the Gridzverse, please make it known in the #gridz-discussion channel on our Discord. You can also catch our attention on Twitter by using the hashtag #GalacticGridz and tagging @galactic_punks & @colonies_nft. Winners of the ‘select.your.words’ contest will be chosen this week.

Does the order of words matter?

Yes & no. Yes because it sounds cool if you get hodl.luna.ser. Yes also because the order of words can mean different things. Remember Gridz will be an open project, with any team free to build on top of. It is likely these projects will want to incorporate different “clusters” of neighborhoods or offer different utilities depending on which words your Gridz has!

Consider for Colonies — word #1 = Colony, #2 = Sector, and #3 = Home. If #1 is Colony, then won’t you want to have the same one as your other community members? (Galactic cough cough) Sectors could be thought of as neighborhoods, or Gridz that are nearby to one another.

For example, and Galactic.assassin.luna would be parts of the same colony — but Galactic.assassin.luna and Galactic.assassin.ser would be pretty even close neighbors in a sector!

This is where the fun begins. Colonies plan to give unique features to certain words. A stampede.bull.luna will result in a different-looking Colony than a or galactic.cake.eater. Projects and protocols can airdrop decorations for their loyal communities who belong in x Colony or live in x neighborhood. There are a lot of opportunities here, we’re just scratching the surface.

On the other hand, your 3 words are unique no matter what and you will learn to own it. Also, you’re not gonna not sign up for Twitter if you can’t get your dream @. And at least here the secondary market is more accessible.

So are there neighbourhoods? How does that work/look?

At launch, there won’t be a visual representation of where Gridz are located in relation to one another. Building out a visual map is on the roadmap and up for bounty. However, as outlined above, choosing the same words within the community you want to be a part of allows to plan in advance! No matter how future projects choose to integrate, having the same words ensures closer correlation between Gridz.

Our goal isn’t to prescribe how a world/map would look. This is up to the interpretation of projects that build on top of Gridz. And how it can be tied into use cases, such as Colonies is up to their imagination.

For those who like numbers: Say there are 100 whitelisted words. Each word is mapped to a numbered from 0–99. And word 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z. If luna: 0, terra: 1, punk: 2, then the distance from luna.luna.luna to luna.terra.punk is the distance between (0,0,0) and (0,1,2), which is sqrt(5). In simpler terms, the more similar your address is to another, the close you are located in the Traverse.

What are the plans after mint?

We aim to make Gridz more of a ‘metaverse’ with greater functionality and interoperability amongst Terra partners. and A % of proceeds from the mint will go towards Galactic Gridz bounties to support projects and protocols that want to integrate with Gridz. Bounties will be awarded based on community forums and votes. One such project is Hermes Protocol which aims to bridge web2 apps, such as Telegram, with web3, and allow for messaging between Gridz owners.



Galactic Punks

Galactic Punks are 10,921 randomly generated NFTs on the Terra blockchain 🌕. Come say hi: