NFTs & HellHounds Overview

Galactic Digest
4 min readApr 26, 2022


written by @speicherx

As I’m writing this, I’m running on approximately an hour’s sleep after having stayed up the whole night trying to mint a digital dog. In this article, we will be going through a quick analysis on Terra NFTs and the HellHounds mint that happened today. If you didn’t get to mint one during the public round, you’re not alone; a total of 1795 unique wallets managed to mint across the public supply (whitelist included) of 4750/5000 HellHounds (250 to Team).

Special thanks to @svarnadvipa from Flipside Crypto for the amazing graphs!

Now, before we dive in slightly deeper to the mint that happened earlier and my demise… let’s remind ourselves that there are now over 100 NFT projects launched across 7 marketplaces: Knowhere, RandomEarth, Talis, Luart, OnePlanet. MessierArt and LunArt.

Attached below here is the graphic analysis provided by the Rekt Wolf team. We see many familiar names in the top sections i.e Galactic Punks… LunaBulls & such. As you noticed, we have had quite the number of successful collections on Terra, albeit the many trash/soft-rugs as well of course.

DAIC Capital also offers a consolidated view for specified collections on their NFT tracker — providing similar statistics like Floor Price for Levana Dragons and more. For a chain with barely ~30 digital apps going fully live yet, NFT mints have definitely filled in the gaps of user-generation across the network and expanded the community base — perhaps lucrative for some as well!

So, what happened today?

The HellCat teams launched their HellHounds collection throughout 3 different phases, with the final one being for public minters who either didn’t hold a HellCat or own any raffle ticket.

Look at it again.


I didn’t get to mint during public round because everyone literally broke Luart’s website. Luckily enough, most of the HellHounds were allocated via whitelists (Phase 1 & Phase 2).

Luart has been one of the best performing marketplaces thus far, and have managed to successfully mint out every collection launched — deservingly so. However, the user experience may be bit lacking in the sense that the platform cannot handle massive congestion; as with all other native marketplaces at current moment. My only main problem is to do with the refreshing, as it takes a long time for the feature to pop up despite the minting going live.

However, it was also interesting to see, as twitter user /intern_nft pointed out: today’s launch was actually bot-ted. Dogs.

The a**hole implemented a static fee of 2.55 UST for every transaction, minting 3 at a time. There were ‘‘347 contract executions made in total, each minting 3 Hellhounds in the initial 29 seconds after the public mint commenced! (5 blocks)’’.

Shame on him or her.

Anyway, what’s done has been done.

The highest sale belongs to the 1/1 Snoop Dogg, which was actually purchased by one of our favourite NFT community members who’s quite active in the Iced Out subgroups. That lonely orange dot is a major extrapolation lol: 575 LUNA (~55k USD)!

The one sitting on the 200 LUNA line also belongs to a 1/1 — the Bulldog.

All in all, it is undeniable that not only HellCats — but also HellHounds were largely sought after for. I remember when they launched at the peak of NFT fatigue last year when things seemed really bleak, but really good on them for picking things up.

They also seem to be releasing their comic very soon, so keep a lookout for their updates on

Also, no, this article is not paid or requested from the HellCats team. As per usual, this remains under Galactic Punks bounties. Special thanks to Svarna again for the data, you are a legend.

That’s all for this week!

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Galactic Digest

@Speicherx on Twitter providing updates & analytics on Terra across the intergalactic space. 👽 Sponsored by @galactic_punks!