Terra meets Asgard

Galactic Digest
5 min readMar 29, 2022


written by @speicherx

LUNA’s new All-Time High: $106.14

Both Terra Money LUNA and UST assets are finally on Thorchain after well over a year of demand: now live for trading and pooling on Thorswap. The pools for LUNA and UST are currently at 34 million and 20 million in liquidity respectively.

Users will also be able to swap UST for BTC on the platform too: proving it’s focus to become the ‘#1 DEX cross-chain aggregator in the world, providing deep liquidity for traders to instantly swap thousands of digital assets across multiple blockchains in a decentralized way.’ No KYC!

Check it out here: https://app.thorswap.finance/

Luna Foundation Guard Becomes a Bitcoin Whale

According to the Bitcoin’s Rich List, LFG’s wallet is currently a few ranks shy away from being in the top 30 wallets for holding the most Bitcoin. A community accounted called LFG_Reserve playfully lamented on some names for what the UST reserve should be called, hitting at Do’s Ramen Reserve and Gringotts Reserve.

If you want to track the movements for the BTC wallet, here is the address: bc1q9d4ywgfnd8h43da5tpcxcn6ajv590cg6d3tg6axemvljvt2k76zs50tv4q

UST goes Interchain — Part 5

Terraform Labs members are hard grinders, major shoutout to ItsAlwaysZonny and the rest who co-ran the proposals. Proposal #720 and #721 are now up for voting: integrating UST across CurveFinance, DebtDAO, Excalibur, Beethoven, Pangolin pools and more.

View the initial write-up here:

Both proposals have reached the ‘pass’ threshold:

Proposal 720: Curve & Convex

Proposal 721: Platypus, Aave, StakeDAO, Ondo, DebtDAO, Excalibur, Beethoven, Pangolin and TJ

Stake your Galactic Punks for token yields

One of the coolest and latest NFT updates — users can now send their galactic punks to stake and receive tokens from previous IDO investments made by the GPDAO treasury. Do take note that there will be a 21-day unstaking period.

As you can see from the photo below, there are currently 6327 punks staked (50%> of collection)! If you haven’t done so yet, you can do so here: https://staking.galacticpunks.io/

Transak welcomes Apple Pay on-ramp to UST for US customers

As their move to increase accessibility for all users, they added in the Apple Pay feature for users to on-ramp easily to the Terra ecosystem on protocols like Anchor and Kash, or on the Terra Station alone.

There will be 0% fees on Terra Station, Anchor and Leap.

In case you didn’t know, here are some of the options available natively for you to get UST on the Terra Station app:

Dynamic Anchor Earn Rate release, AVAX joins collateral listings

The proposal for DAER passed, as such we will be seeing a few important changes soon regarding the new semi-dynamic Earn rate.

As quoted from Anchor Protocol:

If the yield reserve net declines in April, the first Earn rate change will be a 1.5% reduction on May 1st to 18%.

The max monthly rate change is +/- 1.5%.2/

Initially, the minimum Earn rate will be set at 15% & the maximum at 20%.

4. The min & max rates, maximum monthly rate adjustment, & frequency of rate changes can all be adjusted through governance proposals.

Also… AVAX as collateral joining the Anchor crew!

Terra Courses are now available on Binance Academy

This would be a great guide to share with your fellow family members or friends who need a better and ‘reputable’ guide to start their journey into Terra. Users previously were rewarded with UST, LUNA and ANC rewards for their time — which obviously have been dried up quickly. Apes!

Sigma Finance Whitepaper

Sigma will be bringing options to Terra. They also released their whitepaper recently here with a further update:


  • First audit by Security Oak is complete
  • Undergoing second audit with TerraSCV
  • Frontend dAPP building continues at full speed
  • Landing page launch will be up in estimated April

Retrograde<>Astroport Yield Booster

A quick summary of Retrograde’s purpose:

Users are encouraged to stake their Astroport LPs with Retrograde as their tokens will not be locked up. The own protocol’s treasury of locked vxASTRO max rewards will be redirected & boosted to users, in the form of RETRO token emissions that can be used in meta governance to boost pools.

So instead of this model…

You will receive whatever similar benefits but, without the commitment period and still maximizing your yields with Retrograde Money.

Hearsay vxASTRO will be out by end of March, or April as some people did some tracking. This may be alpha, but a useless one at that — not too sure.

That’s all for this week!

Feel free to add the TeFi calendar into your Google Calendar here: https://www.speicherx.com/tefi-calendar

I’m still tracking Terra NFTs daily, so minting dates are also added.

Feel free to join any of the Terra community groups I have created:
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Galactic Digest

@Speicherx on Twitter providing updates & analytics on Terra across the intergalactic space. 👽 Sponsored by @galactic_punks!