Watch Your Mouth!

Gyang Galang
3 min readJan 11, 2022

Know the kind of information you share with people. Know how much information you need to give people accordingly. Everyone shouldn’t have access to the same amount of information about you from you.

Photo from Focal Point Ministry

Not everyone around you may be for you. Sustain this wisdom. Some are there to spy, steal, some, for a particular benefit, while others are potential enemies who would gang up with your adversary to secretly attack and fight you and your progress.

Paul said, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.”

2 John 2:19

“Be wise as the serpent”, Jesus said, and “gentle as the dove”. (Matthew 10:16)

Not everyone has your kind of heart. Many people are not innocent again, so see people wisely and discern beyond words and facial gestures the intents of their hearts and the motive of their actions.

Some of the battles you will face will come from the people you helped. They turn against you to fight you. Some of our parents didn’t pay attention to some of these things and they had to regrettably pay handsomely for it.

Allow people prove themselves worthy to release more information, if necessary. Information is power. So, before you give away information, know that you’re giving out power.

Photo by Cracked writers

Every gossip has some element of truth in it. It is a mix of what really happened with lies. The more you share information about yourself to people, the more you bring them close enough to see you clearly. That’s a dangerous position to shoot.

Pay attention to the Holy Spirit.

There are times He whispers to refrain from disclosing certain information to someone but we ignore and suffer later. He sees far beyond you and the present. He knows the intent of men and what they can become. There are friends that will become enemies the moment they hear good news about you.

Always remember that not everyone is mature and ready to hear your good news.

Don’t give people too much information to chew. They’ll eat, and when they’re satisfied, they will bark at you and fight you. This is true because people are mostly energized for a fight after they’re well fed and satisfied. A hungry man does not fight, his only concern is how to get food and eat. People are powerless without information about you.

You’re dangerous and mysterious, until you open your mouth and start releasing your power- information about yourself.

Photo from Brothers of the Book

I must confess that it’s difficult to keep mute about certain things sometimes. You quickly want to announce to the world that you too have arrived and made it as well. Learn to be calm about your testimonies until its ripe to let them out. Some people revealed their testimonies and never had any again from that time. Someone somewhere heard it and vowed they will never have another testimony.

Learn to allow God announce you to people. Let Him use His wisdom to progress you and announce you. His wisdom will leave your enemy in a position that makes it too late for them to fight you. God will keep you in a safe place before He announces you but you’ll have to cooperate with Him first.



Gyang Galang

I write about Life, Wisdom, Leadership, Purpose Family and Relationships.