WeLabs Refund Policy

We Labs
Jan 2, 2024


Hello WeLabs Community

We have taken note of all the valuable feedback received from our community, and we want to take this opportunity to address and provide additional clarity on our refund policy.

For now we have strict rules to protect our investors , such as not sending funds until 3 hours after DEX/ CEX listing, to make sure all is well before sending funds. This allows us to refund IDOs investors.

Kindly note: If you received your tokens via an airdrop, you would need to hold those tokens and send them back in case of a refund request (you’ll be instructed on exactly how to do it).

We hope this clarifies any questions you may have and reinforces our commitment to transparency and fairness towards our community.

*Refunds do not apply to Private sales,presale and Community Rounds.



We Labs

We Labs is a community driven capital ventures. A Marketing agency that supports all crypto projects through partnerships with the community or giveaways.