News: David Schwimmer Advocates for Victims of Hamas Brutality — Urges Recognition of Horrifying Events

3 min readJan 2, 2024


a powerful display of advocacy, Friends co-star David Schwimmer has used his platform to raise awareness about the brutal acts perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. Schwimmer took to Instagram to call out skeptics and highlight the documented evidence of sexual assaults against women, children, and men by terrorists. The actor questioned the lack of outrage and conditional activism observed in the aftermath of the attacks, emphasizing that the victims of sexual violence deserve support regardless of their ethnicity or background.

Unveiling the Horrifying Events on October 7th

Schwimmer’s Instagram post references a specific article from The New York Times titled “Screams Without Words: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on October 7th.” Bethany Mandel, co-author of “Stolen Youth,” provides insights into the shocking revelations brought to light by the extensive research conducted by The New York Times. The brutality documented in the article goes beyond what can be discussed on television, urging readers to explore the in-depth coverage for a comprehensive understanding.

Mandel praises The New York Times for its journalistic efforts, acknowledging the rarity of such impactful reporting. The article sheds light on the disturbing details of the events on October 7th, prompting a call to action for readers to engage with the documented information and comprehend the magnitude of the atrocities committed by Hamas.

The Challenge of Denial and Silence

Despite the comprehensive reporting and evidence, Schwimmer expresses concern about the persistent denial and silence surrounding these events. He draws attention to the contradiction observed in individuals and organizations that claim to advocate for women’s rights and victims of sexual violence but remain silent when the victims are Jewish. Mandel echoes Schwimmer’s sentiments, characterizing those who deny or downplay these events as modern-day Holocaust deniers.

The actor calls out the inconsistency in the response, pointing out that those who champion the “believe all women” mantra and have been vocal about sexual violence in the past seem hesitant or unwilling to address the specific targeting of Jewish victims. Mandel emphasizes the urgency of acknowledging these acts as textbook anti-Semitism, condemning the brutality and challenging the narrative that seeks to rationalize or contextualize such heinous crimes.

Voices of Support: Few and Far Between

The discussion extends to the limited number of actors and celebrities who have joined Schwimmer in speaking out against these brutal acts. Deborah Messing and Jenny Mollen are acknowledged for their support, but Mandel notes the scarcity of non-Jewish celebrities raising their voices on this issue. The report raises questions about the broader silence in the face of such atrocities and the need for a more widespread condemnation of these acts.

Seeking Context: A Disturbing Trend

Addressing the disturbing trend of seeking context for acts of brutality, Mandel challenges the notion that there could be any justifiable circumstances for the sexual assault of children, elderly women, and young women at a music festival. She highlights the dangerous implications of attempting to rationalize or excuse such violence based on contextual factors, stating unequivocally that there is no acceptable context for these crimes.

The report concludes by underlining the urgent need for public discourse on these events, emphasizing that the keyboard warriors and advocates of justice should not remain silent when the victims are Jewish. The call to action is clear: recognize, condemn, and address the alarming rise of anti-Semitism that manifests in brutal acts against innocent individuals.

In summary, David Schwimmer’s advocacy brings attention to the horrifying events documented by The New York Times, sparking a conversation about the need for consistent condemnation of violence, regardless of the victims’ background. The report highlights the importance of confronting anti-Semitism and standing against those who seek to deny or downplay the severity of such acts. As the call for justice resonates, it prompts reflection on the responsibility of individuals, celebrities, and the broader community to unequivocally denounce brutality and support the victims of these heinous crimes.

