The Insider’s Guide to Getting A Job

4 min readSep 23, 2016

By: GALE Editorial

Let’s face it, job interviews are stressful. If you’ve put in the work to land a great job, you’ve probably spent more time agonizing over the process than you’d like to admit. Does a resume need to be one page? What if you don’t have a question at the end of the interview?

There’s no foolproof guide to landing a job, but recruiters are the people you want to turn to for advice. They’ve sat through countless interviews and are perpetually the least stressed out person in the room. We sat down with GALE’s Recruiter, Lindsey Cavanagh to get answers to a few pressing questions.

What impresses you during a job interview?

I’m impressed when people are themselves and answer questions honestly. I try to create an atmosphere where people feel little pressure to respond to questions in a certain way. My goal is to understand why people make the career decisions they do, and to get a sense of what they’ve learned along the way.

Researching the company that you’re interviewing at also goes a long way. When a candidate has read our website and has researched the people they’re interviewing with, this shows me that they’re eager to understand what we’re all about and how they can fit into our culture.

Talk to us about resume pet peeves.

It takes a recruiter five seconds to screen a resume. This means you have five seconds to show that you’re a strong candidate for the position. A great resume clearly links back to the job description and shows how the candidate has performed the tasks we’re looking for in the role.

A word to the wise: spelling errors, grammar, and formatting issues are all major red flags. Use a normal font (not Comic Sans, Vivaldi, or Curlz) and avoid including photos or inconsistent formatting as this can be distracting. Of course, for design roles these photo and font rules don’t always apply. Designers should see their resume as an opportunity to showcase their visual aesthetic.

What do you wish more people realized before walking into an interview?

I wish more people realized that every interview is an open door. Even if you aren’t sure a position is for you, interviews are a great way to make connections and to learn about different areas in your industry. People should think of interviews as just as much an opportunity to learn and network as a means to getting a job.

How important is that famous ‘question’ at the end of the interview?

We love speaking with candidates that are curious, creative, and passionate. When you come to an interview prepared with thoughtful questions this shows me that you’re invested in understanding as much as you can about the position. I understand that sometimes questions are answered over the course of the interview or during the preliminary phone screening, but it’s hard to imagine that the full interview hasn’t brought up any further questions for you.

How qualified should a candidate be before applying for a position?

We encourage junior candidates to apply for a position even if they lack some experience, but in the end we need to be sure candidates will be able to successfully fulfill the demands of the role.

Candidates who are confused about the requirements of a position can always get in touch with us. Recruiters make it easy for people to contact them. We’re on LinkedIn all day and are more than happy to chat with potential candidates over the phone.

What makes GALE’s hiring process unique?

At GALE, we’re driven by a set of core values that determine how we run our business and work together every day. Our seven core values are: Building a Legacy, Everyone Matters, No Silos, Friends Collaborating, Masters of Our Craft, Be Creative, and Passion Is Not Optional.

Our core values are central to everything we do at GALE, and we have a dedicated interview round to figure our how well our values fit with yours. This sets us apart in the industry and makes sure we’re hiring people who are great at what they do and are also a great fit for our culture.

Lindsey Cavanagh is GALE’s recruiter. She has a keen eye for talent and loves bringing people to GALE. We’re currently hiring Developers, Designers, Project Coordinators, and other positions. Visit our site or check us out on LinkedIn to learn more!

