Maks Marks
2 min readApr 12, 2016

Silver Tale Final Game

The King is dying in Silver Tale Game. His sickness is the rarest in all land, and every healer in the kingdom is yet unable to remedy it. It seems that only cure is scarce plant, silver holly, found only at the bottom of the remotest caves. The royal physician will need a bushel of them to make an elixir strong enough to heal the King, as he is so far gone. But who will travel the kingdom and descend into these dangerous caverns in search of the herbs? In this Match-3/RPG mix you will take a role of such brave man!

Silver Tale is the fine-spun PC game with plenty of aggregate hurdles, magic trophies and sinuous issues. Silver distingue PC game is pleasing to play as well as to see for all Match-3 genre neophytes.

Silver Tale game contain mesmerizing chapter with multiple new turns, twists and riddles. If you are bored of Match-3 games and searched for some unique Match-3 experience, Tale game is your choice!

From sly chapter to heaps of first-rate whereabouts, detailed videosequence and harmonious chime are just parts of the unexpected Silver Tale game world, waiting for you. Tale game is one of top class samples of copacetic Match-3 PC games. S-Tale cheery PC game developed by one of the best makers studio in the world.

Listen stirring sound design of Silver Tale, explore snap trials and solve more than enough implicit conundrums until realistic closure of this topnotch Match-3 game!

Silver Tale Game

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