GameCredits 0.15.3 Released

The GameCredits Foundation
GAME Credits
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2018

The GameCredits Foundation is proud to announce the release of GameCredits Core 0.15.3. This release primarily addresses CVE-2018–17144 but also contains some other fixes. The software can be downloaded here:

Special note for Windows users: the Windows binaries are not signed at this time. The GCF is in process of obtaining a signing certificate, but we still wanted to share this release to the wider audience. If you upgrade to 0.15.3, you’ll need to whitelist the binaries with your antivirus and/or firewall at this time. GCF signed binaries (which do not need to be whitelisted) will be available as soon as we obtain our signing certificate. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Below is an excerpt from the release notes.

Notable changes

Denial-of-Service vulnerability

A denial-of-service vulnerability (CVE-2018–17144) exploitable by miners has been discovered in Bitcoin Core versions 0.14.0 and up. The fix has been ported to GameCredits Core 0.15.2. It is recommended to upgrade any of the vulnerable versions to 0.15.3 as soon as possible.

Fix crash on listsinceblock RPC call

A bug fix has been implemented for listsinceblock RPC call. This resolves the bug where listsinceblock RPC call crashes when no block hash is provided.

0.15.3 Change log

  • Fix DoS Vulnerability (CVE-2018–17144)
  • Fix listsinceblock RPC call
  • Update branding to correct domain (
  • Add in a Komodo notarization patch activating at 2177400

0.15.3 Known Issues

  • Regtest network remains broken, but will be fixed in a future update.


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

  • Samad Sajanlal
  • MihailoGC
  • CryptoDJ
  • jl777 of Komodo



The GameCredits Foundation
GAME Credits

We are an open entity looking to increase the usage and adoption of GameCredits