Mass Effect Andromeda Console Commands: Unleash the Power of Your Game

4 min readOct 11, 2023


Welcome to the ultimate guide on Mass Effect Andromeda console commands. If you’re an avid gamer and a fan of the Mass Effect series, you’re in for a treat. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of console commands for Mass Effect Andromeda. Whether you’re looking to unlock hidden features, improve your gameplay, or simply have some fun, this guide has you covered. So, fasten your seatbelt, Commander, and let’s embark on this incredible journey through the Andromeda galaxy.

Mass Effect Andromeda Console Commands

Mass Effect Andromeda is known for its immersive gameplay, captivating storyline, and stunning visuals. However, for those seeking an extra edge in the game, console commands are the key. These commands are essentially text-based cheat codes that can alter various aspects of the game, enhancing your experience. Here are some essential commands to get you started:

Fly Through Walls: Ever wanted to explore the world beyond the game’s boundaries? Use the “Ghost” command and transcend the limitations of the game’s environment. It’s like having your own spaceship in Andromeda.

Infinite Ammo: Tired of running out of ammo in the heat of battle? The “InfiniteAmmo” command is your savior. Never worry about reloading again and focus on the action.

Unlock All Weapons: Unleash the firepower with “GiveAllWeapons.” This command arms you with every weapon in the game, making you a force to be reckoned with.

Level Up Your Character: Want to boost your character’s abilities quickly? The “LevelUp” command grants you instant experience points, allowing you to customize your skills and become a formidable warrior.

Complete All Quests: If you’re impatient to uncover the game’s rich storyline, the “CompleteAllObjectives” command can save you time. Finish all quests at the snap of your fingers.

Change Your Character: Don’t like your character’s appearance? With “SetPlayerAsCompanion,” you can change your character to any companion in the game, giving you a fresh perspective on the story.

Unlimited Credits: Money problems? No more! “GiveCredits” instantly fills your pockets with credits, ensuring you can afford the best gear and upgrades.

Remove Fog of War: Explore the vast Andromeda galaxy without hindrance. The “ToggleFogOfWar” command reveals the entire map, making navigation a breeze.

Now that you have a taste of what Mass Effect Andromeda console commands can do, let’s dive deeper into their usage and explore some advanced tricks to truly master the game.

Advanced Console Command Techniques

To truly harness the power of Mass Effect Andromeda console commands, you’ll want to explore some advanced techniques. These commands can help you tailor your gaming experience to your liking and provide you with unparalleled control over the game’s mechanics.

Modify Character Appearance: If you ever decide to change your character’s appearance, use the “ChangeAppearance” command. Customize your character’s looks, from hairstyles to facial features, at any point in the game.

Control AI: Take charge of your squadmates with “ToggleAI” commands. Make them follow your lead or stay put during missions. It’s all in your hands.

Spawn NPCs: Bring life to the game with “Summon” commands. Create NPCs and creatures to interact with or fight against, adding unexpected twists to your adventure.

Unlock Game Speed: Feeling impatient during long walks across planets? Speed up the game with “SetGameSpeed.” You can explore at your pace, not the game’s.

Unlock Trophies and Achievements: Are you a completionist? If you’re looking to unlock all trophies and achievements, you can disable their tracking with the “ToggleTrophyNotifications” command. Achieve them your way!


Q: Are console commands safe to use in Mass Effect Andromeda?

A: Yes, console commands are safe and won’t affect your game’s stability. However, it’s always wise to create a backup save before using them.

Q: Can I use console commands on consoles, or are they exclusive to PC? A: Console commands are primarily for the PC version of the game. Console users may have limited access to these commands.

Q: Do console commands disable achievements and trophies?

A: Yes, using console commands may disable achievements and trophies. To earn them, avoid using commands during a playthrough dedicated to unlocking these accolades.

Q: Are there any consequences to using console commands in Mass Effect Andromeda?

A: Console commands are designed for experimentation and fun. However, using them excessively can alter your gaming experience, potentially diminishing the challenge and thrill of the game.

Q: Can I undo the effects of console commands if I change my mind?

A: Some commands can be reversed by entering opposite commands. However, it’s always advisable to save your progress before experimenting with console commands.

Q: Where can I find a comprehensive list of Mass Effect Andromeda console commands?

A: You can find a full list of console commands and their descriptions on various gaming forums and websites dedicated to Mass Effect Andromeda.


In this guide, we’ve unveiled the secrets of Mass Effect Andromeda console commands, offering you a toolkit to enhance your gaming experience. Whether you’re seeking an easier path through the game’s challenges or simply want to have some fun, these commands open up a world of possibilities. Remember to use them wisely, and may your journey through the Andromeda galaxy be as epic as the game itself.




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