Game Loot Network
1 min readMay 1, 2018

Game Loot Network Global Highlights: MADRID

From online experiences to real-life events, GLN loves a good game. We travel the world searching for them, all the while spreading the benefits our platform brings to its users. We found our latest game in Spain when Game Loot Network took the party to Madrid to catch Real Madrid vs. Juventus in the Champions League quarter-final second leg. Real Madrid cinched the match and left myself and the rest of the GLN team feeling at the top of the world.

Following the game, the GLN team set out to see the beautiful sights coating Madrid, taking our phones and thus Game Loot Network everywhere we went. That’s the wonderful thing about the platform. It’s borderless. Whatever the adventure is, whatever the experience becomes, Game Loot Network can go there to link and reward its users. Game Loot Network is more than a gaming platform; it represents your hometown, that exotic land you need to visit, and it connects you to every person in our global family. Anywhere you want to go, whether it’s a goal you want to reach or a town you want to see, you can get there through Game Loot Network. Check out the thrills from Madrid, and join the ride at

Game Loot Network

Game Loot Network is the first real-rewards based Blockchain community, set to revolutionize the gaming industry.