Game Loot Network to Attend The Blockchain Gaming Conference

Game Loot Network
2 min readMay 15, 2018

Game Loot Network’s founder and president, Lance Baker, heads to San Francisco next week for the world’s first dedicated blockchain gaming conference. Game Loot Network (GLN) uses blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to create games with real-life rewards. Lance’s interest in gaming started at his childhood arcade, and later that passion for digital entertainment evolved into the creation of Game Loot Network. He will join an elite list of experts scheduled to discuss innovations surrounding blockchain and gaming. “I was honored to be invited to speak at this event. Blockchain gaming is such a new and exciting space. It’s going to be a great opportunity to show-off what Game Loot Network’s doing and survey the landscape,” remarked Lance. This marks a huge milestone for Game Loot Network and the gaming industry at large. Summits of this nature signal blockchain’s future of mass adoption, and the fact that Game Loot Network will be at the cutting edge of these developments is no minor coincidence.

The conference itself features booths from blockchain gaming companies around the world, showcasing their latest projects. Conference guests will be the first to know important insights into blockchain tech and how it can be used to aid the gaming industry. Attendees can expect big news from heavyweights like Ubisoft, dazzling VR demonstrations, and of course, the insider intel on Game Loot Network. If you happen to be in San Francisco, May 14th-15th, stop by and get the details on the blockchain gaming revolution.



Game Loot Network

Game Loot Network is the first real-rewards based Blockchain community, set to revolutionize the gaming industry.