How To Fix Roblox Error Code 103 On Xbox

9 min readJun 18, 2023


How To Fix Roblox Error Code 103 On Xbox

Many people who have an Xbox One are saying that they can’t play any Roblox games on their console. They see an error message that says, ‘The Roblox game you want to join is not available right now (Roblox Error Code 103)’. A lot of the people having this problem say that they can play Roblox without any issues on a computer using the same account.

Reasons for Roblox error code 103 on Xbox:

The issue with Date of Birth — Xbox One has extra protection for child accounts. If you try to sign in with an account created on a PC with a date of birth under 13 years old, you won’t be able to join user-created worlds unless you adjust some privacy settings. To avoid this, you can create a new Roblox account with a date of birth over 13 years old.

‘Content from other people’ is disabled — If you’re getting this error with a child account, it’s likely that content from other people is blocked for that account. To fix this, you need to access the Parent account and change the privacy settings to allow ‘Content from other people’.

NAT issue — This problem can occur if the ports used by Roblox are not being forwarded correctly. You can fix this by enabling UPnP in your router settings or manually forwarding the ports used by Roblox.

Firmware glitch — Temporary files used by your operating system can also cause this issue. To fix it, you should perform a power cycling procedure, clear the temporary folder, and discharge the power capacitors.

Bad game installation — Sometimes, this error can be caused by a faulty game installation. To resolve it, uninstall the game, including all add-ons and updates, and then reinstall it.

Related: Roblox Quick Login

Creating a New Roblox Account

The main reason behind the 103 Error Code when launching Roblox on Xbox One is related to the Date of Birth (DOB) issue. Many users have reported that Xbox has additional privacy settings that restrict access to child accounts without proper permissions.

Based on user reports, Xbox One often has trouble with accounts created on PCs where the date of birth is under 13 years old.

If you don’t have much-saved content on your account, the simplest way to resolve Error Code: 103 is to create a new Roblox account with a date of birth indicating that you are over 18 years old. You can then use this new account to sign in on your Xbox One console.

Here are the instructions to create a new account:

- Visit the Roblox account creation page using a PC or mobile device.

— Click on the Sign-Up button located in the top-right section of the screen.

— In the credential window, select your birthday, ensuring that the year makes you over 18 years old. This step will bypass the additional security layer on Xbox One.

— Fill in the rest of the required information and click the Sign-Up button to create the account.

Verify your newly created account.

— Once the new account is successfully created, return to your Xbox console and sign in using your Roblox account.

— Try joining a world, and you should no longer encounter Error Code: 103.

If you prefer not to create a new Roblox account or if this method doesn’t resolve the error, you can proceed to the next potential solution.

Allowing ‘Content from other people on a Child account

If you’re experiencing Error Code: 103 with a Child account, it’s likely because of a privacy setting on the parent account that blocks content created by other community members. This setting is important in Roblox to ensure a safe experience when joining other worlds.

To fix this issue, you can enable the “See content other people make” feature in the privacy settings of the Child account. Here’s how:

- Sign in to your Parent account on your Xbox One console and go to the My apps & games option in the main dashboard menu.

— From the My apps & games menu, navigate to the Settings menu.

Scroll down to the Family tab and select the Child account that is experiencing the issue.

— In the Child account settings menu, choose the Custom template under Privacy to edit the custom Privacy preferences.

— Scroll through the privacy menu and find the option for “See content other people make.”

— Modify the setting for “See content other people make” to Allow and save the changes.

— Restart your Xbox One console, sign in with the Child account, and try the action that was previously causing the Error Code: 103 to see if the problem is resolved.

If you’re still encountering the same issue, proceed to the next potential solution.

Related: Roblox Error 273

Ports that are used by Roblox

If the previous fixes did not work for you, it is possible that you are dealing with a port forwarding issue. Roblox, being a multiplayer game, requires open network NAT (Network Address Translation) to function properly.
When playing online games that involve data exchange between players, specific ports need to be opened on your network. Most modern router models handle port forwarding automatically. However, if you have made previous modifications to your router, the feature that enables an open NAT (Universal Plug and Play) might be disabled.
In some cases, if you are using an older router, it may not support UPnP. In such situations, you will need to manually forward the ports used by Roblox.
Depending on your router, there are two potential methods to forward the ports for Roblox:


Enabling UPnP in your router settings to open your NAT: If your router supports UPnP, follow these steps:
— Access your router’s settings interface. Usually, this can be done by typing the router’s IP address into a web browser.

— Look for the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) option in the router settings. Enable it if it is currently disabled.

— Save the changes and restart your router.

Manually forwarding the ports used by Roblox: If your router does not support UPnP, follow these steps to manually forward the ports:
Access your router’s settings interface using the router’s IP address and login credentials.

— Look for the Port Forwarding or Virtual Server section in the router settings. The exact location and name may vary depending on your router model.

— Add a new port forwarding rule for Roblox by specifying the required ports (you can find the port numbers needed for Roblox online) and the IP address of your Xbox One console.

— Save the changes and restart your router.
By following either the UPnP method (if supported) or manually forwarding the ports, you should be able to resolve the port forwarding issue. This will allow you to successfully connect to other players’ worlds in Roblox.
If you are still experiencing Error Code: 103, you may need to explore other potential solutions.

Enabling UPnP in your Router Settings

— Use a computer or Mac that is connected to your router’s network. Open a web browser and enter one of the following addresses in the navigation bar:

Press Enter to access the router settings menu. Note that one of these addresses should take you to the router settings. If they don’t work, search online for specific steps to access your router settings based on your router model.

— Once you reach the login screen, enter your login credentials. If you haven’t accessed this menu before, you can try the default credentials, which are usually “admin” for the username and “1234” for the password. However, these default credentials can vary depending on your router manufacturer. If the default credentials don’t work, search online for the default login credentials specific to your router model.

— After successfully logging in, navigate to the Advanced menu or NAT Forwarding section in your router settings. Look for an option named UPnP.

— Once you find the UPnP option, enable it, and save the changes to apply the settings.

— After enabling UPnP, reboot both your router and Xbox One console.

— Try joining a game in Roblox again to see if Error Code: 103 reoccurs.
Related: Roblox Error Code 517

Forwarding the Ports used by Roblox manually

To manually forward the ports used by Roblox, follow these steps:

- Follow steps 1 to 3 from the previous guide to access the NAT Forwarding / Port Forwarding menu in your router settings.

— Once you are in the Port Forwarding menu, look for the option that allows you to manually forward ports. The exact location and name of this option may vary depending on your router model.

— Start forwarding the following ports that are required by Roblox on Xbox One:

TCP: 3074

UDP: 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500

— Make sure that each of these ports is correctly forwarded according to your router’s settings.

Save the changes and apply the port forwarding settings.

Reboot both your router and Xbox One console to ensure that the changes take effect.

— After the reboot, try joining an online game in Roblox again to see if Error Code: 103 still occurs.
Performing a Power Cycling Procedure

If the previous potential fixes didn’t resolve the issue, it’s possible that Error Code: 103 is caused by temporary file corruption stored in the temp folder of your Xbox One console. Performing a power cycling procedure can help clear these temporary files and resolve any firmware glitches that might be causing the problem.
To perform a power cycling procedure on your Xbox One console, follow these steps:
— Make sure your console is fully booted and not in hibernation mode.

Press and hold the Xbox button on your console for about 15 seconds or until you see the front LED turn off and hear the fans shut down. This will perform a hard reset.

— Once your console is completely powered off, wait for at least 1 minute before turning it back on. During this time, you can also unplug the power cable from the outlet to ensure the power capacitors are fully cleared.

— After the waiting period, plug the power cable back into the outlet and turn on your console using the power button.

— Wait for the startup process to complete. If you notice a longer startup animation that lasts over 5 seconds, it indicates that the power cycling procedure was successful.

Launch Roblox and try joining a multiplayer game to see if Error Code: 103 has been resolved.

Reinstalling the Game

If none of the previous potential fixes have resolved the issue, it is likely that Error Code: 103 is caused by a bad installation of Roblox on your Xbox One console. This can occur if the game was forcibly shut down during installation or an update, resulting in data corruption.

To fix this issue, you will need to reinstall Roblox. Follow these steps:

- Press the Xbox button on your console to open the guide menu. From there, navigate to the My Games & Apps menu.

— Scroll through the list of installed applications and games until you find Roblox. Select Roblox, then press the Start button on your controller.

— Choose “Manage game” from the context menu that appears.

— In the Manage game menu, select “Uninstall all”. This will uninstall the base game, along with any installed add-ons and game updates.

— After the uninstallation process is complete, reboot your console and wait for it to start up again.

— Access your digital library or insert the physical media for Roblox, then reinstall the game.

By following these steps. You should be able to reinstall Roblox and resolve any issues related to a bad installation. If the error code still persists, you may need to contact Roblox support for additional troubleshooting.




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