Year 3 — final semester 17/18

Games Design & Art
3 min readMar 2, 2018


We are now a few weeks into the final semester for Year 3. They completed the first phase of this mammoth year handing in at the end of Jan an extensive portfolio of research culminating in a game project proposal for semester 2.

Through a series of research exercises, collaborative workshops and presentations each student has dug around for a passion and become mini experts in a whole host of topic such sea creatures, maritime history, egyptians, space, deforestation, music therapy, ethical hacking and more before whittling down, expanding ideas and spinning these pieces of insight into a myriad of game concepts that have been tested, probed and honed into a proposal.

This year we have 17 students and 14 projects. Which is a big change from last year in both numbers of projects and that many more students have elected to undertake a solo project. Of course the studio environment is there to support each other but this is a weighty task. They must now manage these ideas into production and produce games that question, explore and push boundaries, only a semester of work will tell us how well they do!

Here is a sneak peak into a few of the projects ;

Isiko is a puzzle game in which you carry and put down your customs to uncover the world outside of your tribe.

Hackerball is a competitive game in which you build puzzles to be hacked and in doing so learn the fundamentals of coding.

Citiopia is a open sandbox world and self-narrated adventure as you design your ideal world.

Elateth is retro style local competitive game in which your ship is tethered to your opponents and so you have to drag and fly them into destruction.

You can find out more about all the projects with links to social media, websites and development blogs on A key factor of this semester is to double down on the public facing nature of the projects for the students as they prepare to graduate, so do follow the projects that sound the most exciting to you!

We are excited about where they will go and can’t wait to showcase the final outcomes at WSAxARCADE in Winchester and London. Follow #WSAxARCADE on Social media.



Games Design & Art

BA (Hons) Games Design & Art at Winchester School of Art - Programme Leader @adamprocter —