Beyond the Basics: Advanced Lethal Company Modding Techniques

Games Ghost
6 min readJun 7, 2024


In the world of gaming, modding has become a vital part of the experience, allowing players to tailor their favorite games to their personal tastes and even extend the game’s lifespan. “Lethal Company” is no exception to this phenomenon. While many players are content with the vanilla version of the game, others seek to enhance their experience through mods. In this blog, we’ll delve into advanced techniques for modding “Lethal Company” with a focus on some popular mods: Arachnophobia Mode, the Thicc Mod, and the Shotgun Mod. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to mod “Lethal Company” to fit your unique style.

Understanding the Basics of Modding

Before diving into advanced techniques, it’s essential to grasp the basics of modding. Mods, short for modifications, are user-created add-ons that alter or enhance a game. They can range from simple cosmetic changes to extensive gameplay overhauls. To mod “Lethal Company,” you generally need a modding tool or platform, such as the Steam Workshop or Nexus Mods, and a basic understanding of the game’s file structure.

Setting Up Your Modding Environment

  1. Download Modding Tools: Tools like the Steam Workshop, Vortex (Nexus Mods manager), or specific game modding tools are necessary.
  2. Back Up Game Files: Always back up your original game files before making any changes.
  3. Understand File Structure: Familiarize yourself with where the game’s files are stored and how they are organized.

Popular Mods for “Lethal Company”

Let’s explore three popular mods for “Lethal Company” that can significantly enhance your gaming experience.

Arachnophobia Mode

For many players, the presence of spiders in any game can be a dealbreaker. The Arachnophobia Mode mod is designed to address this by replacing spider models with less frightening alternatives.

How to Mod Arachnophobia Mode

  1. Download the Mod: Visit a reputable site like Nexus Mods and search for the “Arachnophobia Mode” mod for “Lethal Company.”
  2. Extract the Files: Use a tool like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the downloaded files.
  3. Locate Game Directory: Navigate to your “Lethal Company” game directory, usually found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company.
  4. Replace Models: Copy the extracted files into the game’s directory, replacing the original spider models.
  5. Verify Installation: Launch the game to ensure the new models are correctly displayed.

Lethal Company Thicc Mod

The Thicc Mod is a fun, humorous mod that alters character models to have exaggerated proportions. It’s a popular choice for those looking to add a bit of levity to their gameplay.

How to Mod Thicc Mod

  1. Find the Mod: Similar to the Arachnophobia Mode, search for the “Lethal Company Thicc Mod” on modding sites.
  2. Download and Extract: Download the mod files and extract them.
  3. Backup Character Models: Before replacing files, back up the original character model files.
  4. Install New Models: Copy the new model files into the character models folder within the game directory.
  5. Test the Mod: Launch the game and check if the new character models are functioning as intended.

Lethal Company Shotgun Mod

For those who prefer a more action-packed experience, the Shotgun Mod adds a powerful shotgun to your arsenal in “Lethal Company,” changing the dynamics of combat.

How to Mod Shotgun Mod

  1. Download the Shotgun Mod: Locate and download the “Lethal Company Shotgun Mod.”
  2. Extract and Backup: Extract the mod files and back up the original weapon files.
  3. Integrate the Mod: Place the new weapon files into the weapons directory of the game.
  4. Modify Weapon Stats: If necessary, tweak the weapon stats in the game’s configuration files to balance the gameplay.
  5. Run a Test: Start the game to ensure the shotgun works correctly and adjust as needed.

Advanced Modding Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics and some popular mods, let’s dive into advanced modding techniques that allow for more customized and intricate modifications.

Creating Custom Models

Creating custom models is a more advanced technique that requires knowledge of 3D modeling software like Blender or Maya.

  1. Learn 3D Modeling: Invest time in learning a 3D modeling program. Blender is a great free option with plenty of tutorials available online.
  2. Create Your Model: Design and create your custom model in your chosen software.
  3. Export the Model: Export the model in a format compatible with “Lethal Company” (usually .obj or .fbx).
  4. Replace In-Game Models: Replace the existing game models with your custom models by copying them into the appropriate directory.

Scripting and Coding

Advanced mods often require scripting and coding skills to alter game mechanics or add new features.

  1. Learn a Scripting Language: Depending on the game, you might need to learn a language like Lua, Python, or C++.
  2. Edit Game Scripts: Access and modify the game’s scripts to implement your changes. This might involve adding new features, altering existing mechanics, or fixing bugs.
  3. Debugging: Testing and debugging are crucial. Ensure your scripts don’t cause crashes or unwanted behavior in the game.

Custom Textures and Skins

Customizing textures and skins can drastically change the visual appeal of “Lethal Company.”

  1. Image Editing Software: Use software like Photoshop or GIMP to create or edit textures.
  2. Locate Texture Files: Find the texture files in the game’s directory.
  3. Edit and Replace: Edit the textures to your liking and replace the original files.
  4. Test In-Game: Launch the game to see your new textures in action.

Sound Modding

Sound modding involves changing or adding new sound effects and music to enhance the auditory experience.

  1. Audio Editing Software: Use software like Audacity to create or edit sound files.
  2. Replace Sound Files: Locate the sound files in the game’s directory and replace them with your custom files.
  3. Test and Adjust: Ensure the new sounds work correctly in the game and adjust as necessary.

Combining Multiple Mods

Combining multiple mods can lead to a richer and more personalized gaming experience. However, it requires careful management to avoid conflicts.

Using a Mod Manager

Tools like Vortex or Mod Organizer help manage multiple mods by organizing, enabling, and disabling them as needed.

  1. Install a Mod Manager: Download and install a mod manager.
  2. Add Mods: Add your downloaded mods to the manager.
  3. Resolve Conflicts: Use the manager’s tools to resolve any conflicts between mods.
  4. Load Order: Adjust the load order to ensure mods work correctly together.

Manual Conflict Resolution

Sometimes, manual conflict resolution is necessary for mods that alter the same game files.

  1. Identify Conflicts: Determine which mods are conflicting.
  2. Merge Files: Manually merge conflicting files using a text editor or specialized software.
  3. Test Thoroughly: Test the game extensively to ensure stability.

Creating Your Own Mods

If you have a unique idea that hasn’t been covered by existing mods, creating your own is the way to go.

Planning Your Mod

  1. Conceptualize: Define what your mod will do and how it will improve the game.
  2. Research: Look at existing mods and documentation to understand what is possible and how to achieve it.

Developing the Mod

  1. Set Up Development Environment: Install necessary tools like game SDKs, modding tools, and development software.
  2. Start Small: Begin with a small, manageable project to learn the process.
  3. Iterate: Develop in iterations, testing each change thoroughly.

Publishing Your Mod

  1. Package Your Mod: Ensure all files are correctly packaged and labeled.
  2. Create Documentation: Write clear instructions for installation and use.
  3. Upload to Modding Sites: Share your mod on platforms like Nexus Mods or the Steam Workshop.
  4. Engage with the Community: Listen to feedback and update your mod as needed.

Best Practices for Modding “Lethal Company”

  1. Backup Regularly: Always backup your game files before making changes.
  2. Keep Mods Updated: Regularly check for updates to your mods to ensure compatibility.
  3. Read Documentation: Thoroughly read the documentation for each mod and tool you use.
  4. Join Modding Communities: Engage with communities on forums, Discord, or Reddit for support and ideas.
  5. Test Extensively: After installing or creating a mod, test the game extensively to ensure stability and functionality.


Modding “Lethal Company” can transform your gaming experience, providing new challenges, improved visuals, and even entirely new gameplay mechanics. By mastering advanced techniques such as custom modeling, scripting, and sound modding, you can push the boundaries of what’s possible in the game. Remember to start with the basics, build your skills gradually, and always back up your work. With creativity and dedication, you can create a unique and thrilling version of “Lethal Company” that reflects your personal style and preferences. Happy modding!

