The Ultimate Guide to Installing Lethal Company Mods

Games Ghost
6 min readJun 3, 2024


“Lethal Company” has taken the gaming world by storm with its thrilling gameplay and immersive environments. But for those looking to enhance their experience even further, modding the game offers endless possibilities. Whether you’re looking to add new weapons, change the game’s aesthetics, or even tweak the mechanics, this ultimate guide will walk you through the entire process of installing Lethal Company mods. We’ll cover some popular mods, including the Arachnophobia Mode, Thicc Mod, and Shotgun Mod, ensuring you can customize your game to your heart’s content.

Why Mod Lethal Company?

Modding “Lethal Company” can transform your gaming experience. Mods can add new content, improve graphics, fix bugs, and introduce entirely new gameplay mechanics. Here are a few reasons why you might want to mod your game:

  1. Enhanced Gameplay: Mods can add new levels, missions, and characters, keeping the game fresh and exciting.
  2. Improved Graphics: High-resolution textures and new visual effects can make the game more immersive.
  3. Personalization: Customize the game to your liking with new skins, weapons, and features.
  4. Community Engagement: Engage with a vibrant community of modders and players, sharing your creations and discovering new mods.

Now, let’s dive into the steps for modding “Lethal Company.”

How to Mod Lethal Company

Before you start installing mods, you need to ensure you have the right tools and know-how to manage them effectively. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Backup Your Game Files

Before making any changes, it’s crucial to back up your game files. This ensures you can revert to the original state if anything goes wrong.

  1. Locate Your Game Directory: Find the folder where “Lethal Company” is installed. This is usually found in your Steam library
  2. Copy the Folder: Make a copy of the entire “Lethal Company” folder and store it in a safe location on your computer.

Step 2: Install a Mod Manager

A mod manager simplifies the process of installing and managing mods. One popular choice for many games, including “Lethal Company,” is the Vortex Mod Manager by Nexus Mods.

  1. Download Vortex: Visit the Nexus Mods website and download the Vortex Mod Manager.
  2. Install Vortex: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Vortex on your computer.
  3. Set Up Vortex: Launch Vortex and set it up for “Lethal Company” by adding the game to your managed games.

Step 3: Find and Download Mods

Now that your mod manager is set up, you can start browsing and downloading mods.

  1. Visit Nexus Mods: Go to the Nexus Mods website and search for “Lethal Company mods.”
  2. Browse Mods: Look through the available mods and find ones that interest you. Popular mods include Arachnophobia Mode, Thicc Mod, and Shotgun Mod.
  3. Download Mods: Click on the mod you want to install and download the file. Make sure to read the mod description and installation instructions provided by the mod creator.

Step 4: Install Mods

With your mods downloaded, it’s time to install them using Vortex.

  1. Open Vortex: Launch the Vortex Mod Manager.
  2. Add Mods: In Vortex, click on the “Mods” tab and then click the “Install From File” button. Navigate to the location where you downloaded your mods and select the files.
  3. Enable Mods: Once the mods are added to Vortex, enable them by clicking the “Enable” button next to each mod.

Step 5: Launch the Game

After enabling your mods, you’re ready to launch “Lethal Company” and enjoy your customized experience.

  1. Launch Through Vortex: Click the “Play” button in Vortex to launch the game with your mods enabled.
  2. Check for Issues: Once in the game, check if the mods are working correctly. If you encounter any issues, you may need to revisit the mod’s instructions or seek help from the modding community.

Popular Lethal Company Mods

Arachnophobia Mode

For players who suffer from arachnophobia, the Arachnophobia Mode is a must-have. This mod replaces all spider-like enemies in the game with less threatening models, allowing players to enjoy the game without fear.

How to Install Arachnophobia Mode:

  1. Download the Mod: Find the Arachnophobia Mode mod on Nexus Mods and download it.
  2. Install Using Vortex: Follow the steps outlined above to install the mod using Vortex.
  3. Launch and Enjoy: Start the game and enjoy a spider-free experience.

Lethal Company Thicc Mod

The Thicc Mod for “Lethal Company” is a fun and light-hearted mod that alters the character models to be more exaggerated and, as the name suggests, “thicc.” This mod is purely cosmetic and adds a humorous twist to the game.

How to Install Thicc Mod:

  1. Download the Mod: Search for the Lethal Company Thicc Mod on Nexus Mods and download the file.
  2. Install Using Vortex: Add the mod to Vortex and enable it.
  3. Launch and Enjoy: Start the game to see the new character models in action.

Lethal Company Shotgun Mod

For those who love powerful weaponry, the Shotgun Mod is a perfect addition. This mod introduces a new shotgun weapon to the game, providing players with a new way to deal with enemies.

How to Install Shotgun Mod:

  1. Download the Mod: Find the Lethal Company Shotgun Mod on Nexus Mods and download it.
  2. Install Using Vortex: Use Vortex to install and enable the mod.
  3. Launch and Enjoy: Start the game and equip your new shotgun.

Tips for a Smooth Modding Experience

  1. Read Mod Descriptions: Always read the mod descriptions and installation instructions provided by the mod creator. This can help you avoid common issues and ensure the mod works correctly.
  2. Check for Compatibility: Some mods may not be compatible with each other or with certain game versions. Check the mod page for compatibility information.
  3. Update Mods: Mod creators often release updates to fix bugs and add new features. Make sure to keep your mods updated.
  4. Join the Community: Engage with the modding community on forums and social media. This can be a great way to find new mods, get help with issues, and share your own creations.

Advanced Modding Techniques

For those who want to delve deeper into modding “Lethal Company,” here are a few advanced techniques:

Creating Your Own Mods

Creating your own mods can be a rewarding experience. Here’s a basic overview of how to get started:

  1. Learn the Basics: Familiarize yourself with modding tools and scripting languages. For “Lethal Company,” you may need to learn how to use tools like Blender (for 3D modeling) and a text editor (for scripting).
  2. Use Modding Tools: There are various tools available for creating mods. Look for tutorials and guides specific to “Lethal Company” modding.
  3. Test Your Mod: Before sharing your mod with others, thoroughly test it to ensure it works correctly and doesn’t cause issues.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful installation, you may encounter issues. Here are some common problems and solutions:

  1. Game Crashes: If the game crashes after installing a mod, it may be due to a conflict or an incompatible mod. Disable the mods one by one to identify the culprit.
  2. Mods Not Working: Ensure the mods are enabled in your mod manager and that you followed the installation instructions correctly.
  3. Performance Issues: Some mods can be demanding on your system. If you experience performance issues, try lowering your game settings or disabling high-impact mods.


Modding “Lethal Company” opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to tailor the game to your preferences and enjoy new content created by a passionate community. Whether you’re installing the Arachnophobia Mode to make the game less frightening, the Thicc Mod for a humorous twist, or the Shotgun Mod for some extra firepower, this guide has provided you with the tools and knowledge to enhance your gaming experience.

By following the steps outlined in this ultimate guide, you can confidently install and manage mods, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable modding journey. So, dive in, explore the vast array of available mods, and transform your “Lethal Company” experience today!

