A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Baldur’s Gate 3: Mechanics and Tips

Game Talkr
4 min readAug 27, 2023


Baldur’s Gate 3, the highly anticipated game of 2023, has captured the attention of gamers worldwide. With its intricate mechanics and complex gameplay, it’s essential for newcomers to understand the fundamentals before diving in. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything a complete beginner should know to navigate the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 successfully. Additionally, to celebrate the game’s launch, we’re giving away two copies of Baldur’s Gate 3 on a platform of your choice. All you need to do is be a subscriber, like the video, and share your favorite aspect of the game in the comments below.

Understanding Damage Rolls

One of the core mechanics in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the damage rolls, which dictate the amount of damage your attacks deal. However, it’s crucial to note that a higher number on your weapon or spell doesn’t necessarily mean higher damage. Let’s break down the damage rolls and the factors that influence them.

When you see a formula like “1D6 + 4”, it indicates a dice roll. In this case, the “D6” represents a six-sided die, and the “+ 4” adds extra damage. You’ll want to learn different dice types, like D8, D12, and even D20, each offering varying damage potential.

Remember, the final damage output isn’t fixed due to other elements such as enemy weaknesses, resistances, and environmental effects. To learn about enemy attributes, use the examine tool by right-clicking on them. By knowing their strengths and weaknesses, you can optimize your attack strategy.

Mastering Spell Synergies

Baldur’s Gate 3 draws inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons tabletop games, where mechanics like spell synergies play a vital role. For example, combining water and a shock spell amplifies the effect and expands its range. Exploring different spell combinations can yield potent results, making experimentation a rewarding part of the gameplay.

Action Breakdown: Actions, Bonus Actions, and Spell Slots

Rather than traditional resource systems, Baldur’s Gate 3 employs actions, bonus actions, and spell slots. Actions encompass melee attacks, spellcasting, and movement, and you can generally perform one per turn. Bonus actions grant additional actions within the same turn, providing more versatility.

Spell slots are akin to ammunition for spells, and some abilities require them to function. Carefully manage your spell slots, considering the limited supply that only replenishes after a long rest. Cantrips are a lifesaver, as they offer free, reusable spells that don’t deplete your resources.

The Importance of Rest

After every fight, taking a rest is crucial. Short rests restore some health and a few spell uses, while long rests replenish everything but require camp supplies. To ensure you’re well-prepared, scavenge for food and supplies, maximizing your resting potential.

Looting and Massive Loot System

Looting is a key aspect of Baldur’s Gate 3. Valuable items can be found in unexpected places, often hidden in crates, chests, or even dialogue interactions. Carefully scan your environment for loot, as even seemingly insignificant items can unlock powerful gear or aid in puzzles.

Leverage Charisma for Success

Characters with high Charisma can navigate conversations more effectively, persuading, intimidating, or deceiving NPCs. This attribute opens up alternative routes, helps avoid combat, and yields unique rewards. Charisma-driven characters can be invaluable assets to your party.

Strategic Advantage and Disadvantage

Advantage and disadvantage are game-changing modifiers that affect hit chances. Exploit advantages like high ground or use spells to grant them. Conversely, avoid disadvantaged situations like attacking from close proximity. Utilizing these modifiers can drastically alter the outcome of battles.

Turn-Based Mode for Precise Actions

Engage turn-based mode (Shift + Space) for more control over encounters, making it easier to strategize. Use this mode to pause at opportune moments, especially when sneaking or planning to catch enemies off-guard.

Diverse Party Composition

Assemble a well-rounded party by including frontline fighters, support characters, spellcasters, and unique personalities. Romancing companions is a possibility, providing deeper interactions and potential benefits in the game. Ensure your party covers a variety of roles to succeed in the challenges ahead.

Bonus Tips for Success

  • Save frequently (F5) to avoid setbacks and lost progress.
  • Light up dark areas with spells to improve hit chances.
  • Use the disengage option to avoid opportunity attacks.
  • Healing spells can resurrect fallen party members from a distance.


With these foundational mechanics and tips, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the intricate world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Experiment, strategize, and explore to uncover the secrets and challenges that await you. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a complete beginner, mastering these mechanics will enhance your gameplay experience and help you forge your own epic adventure.

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