WAR FIELD: best of two worlds or tokenized hype?

7 min readSep 17, 2018


Today Gameunculus is investigating a highly untypical game for crypto. First, WAR FIELD is not a DApp, but don’t worry — the game won’t snatch your money, ’cause all transactions are still carried out on the blockchain. Second, it’s fantastically viral compared to our cosy little cryptogames world inhabitants: WAR FIELD has more than 74,000 members in their Telegram group, 32,000 on Facebook and 75,000 website visitors last month. That’s an impressive number even if some of them are spammers, or bots, or both. Finally, it’s a GAME. You know, that obsolete type of activity, which brought excitement, passion and thrill to our lives. In cryptogames we’ve been away from this for too long, collecting and trading digital pictures, but why don’t we remember the good old days and have some fun?

I’ve had enough moaning, what’s the game like?

It’s an online multiplayer first-person shooter game. We hope there’s no need to clarify what exactly “online multiplayer” is; btw, you have to download nothing: the game is fully accessible through your browser. “First-person” means that you look at the world through the eyes of your game character. A “shooter” is a game where you shoot enemies, and this fact caused cognitive dissonance of our team member who tried to play with a knife only. “Why is it called a shooter? — he cried, — I can’t shoot anyone, it’s not fair!”

Why on Earth haven’t you even mention that I can win money playing WAR FIELD?!

’Cause money is not the object! Just kidding. And ’cause you can lose money, too! Not kidding this time. Money’s rather important, so we’ll guide you through some general features of WAR FIELD’s financial system.

The only WAR FIELD’s crypto relation is a currency called GOLDER (GLDR) — ERC-20 kind on Ethereum. They are holding token sale right now and promise to list GLDR on exchanges after it finishes. Before that you can’t exchange or withdraw your funds in GLDR, but you can easily do other awesome things.

GLDR is used for making stakes and starting the game. Before entering a battleground you’ll need to make a bet, the minimum is 1 GLDR, the maximum is 100 now, but will be increased soon. If you get killed, you lose your bet, if you kill your opponent — you take his bet, simple! You can spend your GLDR on weapons, bullets and other much-needed for a bloodthirsty killer items.

The trial period is on now and everybody can try playing with 100 free GLDR, which are, in fact, 100 games if you make stakes minimal; and if you’re a slacker who’s always being killed, of course. You’ll also get a knife, a pistol and 1000 bullets — a startup kit on your way to become Rambo. Two more guns available on trial are not for losers — the rifle is 450 GLDR and the sniper is 550. Not sure if you can win enough games, but willing to get one of these imba? Ok, no problem, just get some from the airdrop which offers to earn up to 450 GLDR for joining WAR FIELD’s socials and 50 more for each friend invited. Or you can simply buy the currency for ETH, BTC, LTC and even bank transfer getting a 10% discount during the token sale.

How to get started and what’s the gameplay like

Now, with a head full of useful info, why don’t you try, as long as devs give you the opportunity to play without paying a penny?

First, get registered. If you’ve done that a million times on millions of other sites, you’ll think it’s easy-peasy. And you won’t be right.

The registration page has various opportunities, but the only thing that worked for us was Google+, thank thee, Almighty! Other ways resulted in errors or pages failed to load, but let’s not talk about sad things — we finally logged in!

Some payment methods — don’t pay much attention to them, you aren’t buying GLDR right now, are you? You’re here for a free ride, so click on “Play Now” and let’s get started.

You’ll see your Golder balance on the next page. For new players it will be 100 GLDR. Why isn’t it 100 on our screenshot? Oh, never mind, our noobie (a guy with the knife, remember?) has fallen down the stairs and lost 0.06 precious GLDR. Never be like him!

The next page lets us choose a weapon. As you can see, the guy got smarter and owned a gun. However, he didn’t own any bullets. What is he gonna do, beat his enemy to death with a pistol and whine that it’s not a shooter? Jeez.

Then comes a loading page with some insulting jokes — hey, our keyboard is not filthy, you dummy all-seeing AI, it’s full of delicious crisps crumbs!

And on the next screen we’re making stakes. Well, 1 GLDR will be enough, don’t be ashamed of your greed. Sure, if you’re a deep pocket, you can bet 5, 10 or 100, but don’t blame us! Hold your breath fingers crossed and click on “Join Room”.

False alarm, we’re still not playing. Here is some info on game controls which look pretty standard to us. Ready? Second try.

Whoa, we’re in! What’s that? Kinda floating tub? There are metal shipping containers everywhere. Oh, it’s a tanker! Our guy made a screen of his favourite knifey with sea as its background. The pic is Instagram worthy indeed.

But not very efficient. This is how a disgraceful defeat looks like. One more try…

For God’s sake, take a f*king gun! Ah, it doesn’t have any bullets. Come on, the last samurai, you might get lucky… No.

OK, much better now. Let’s leave behind the rest of our glorious adventures, it’s time for you to play!

Summing up, the gameplay is rather simple and think CS meets Battlefield, but you need to pay for weapons and shit. You appear on the battleground, try to find and kill enemies, and not to be found and killed by them. However, the secondariness of WAR FIELD doesn’t make it less exciting — it’s still thrilling and emotional.

Game prospects and our verdict

Although WAR FIELD is not the best game we came across, we have to admit that we loved it. Will it be the future of cryptogames or not, we spent some fantastic moments sneaking around the tanker and trying to satisfy this bloodlust of us.

There are some drawbacks, of course. We do not consider the lack of decentralization one of them, though. Why in fact we need it in shooter gameplay? It’s enough that all money issues are carried out on blockchain.

The main shortcoming is server problems experienced by most players once in a while. Sometimes gamers can’t log in, sometimes they’re automatically logged off, and the team is still working on that.

The graphics is, not to say poor, unpretentious. The tanker battleground is rather big, but not detailed and diverse, with lots of duplicated items. It’s a real fun due to its novelty, but it won’t be anymore after hundreds of games. So we’re looking forward for new battlegrounds already announced by the team.

But the main advantage is that WAR FIELD is a real game, not “pay us, and we’ll give you a picture you can look at, watch, observe, keep your eyes on — isn’t it fun?” stuff. Moreover, WAR FIELD gives players the opportunity to earn with their skills, not random or endless trading, and it’s a breakthrough in cryptogames universe.

