10 Different Types of NFTs You Should Know in 2023

Gamic HQ
5 min readJul 12, 2023


Today, we’re going to explore a fascinating topic that’s making waves in the digital world in 2023: NFTs! NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets that represent ownership of something special in the virtual space.

10 Different Types of NFTs You Should Know in 2023

Let’s break down the 10 different types of NFTs you should know about:

Collectible NFTs

Imagine having a unique and rare digital item, like a special piece of artwork, music, or a video that only you or a few people in the world own. Collectible NFTs are just that! They are like digital trading cards or stamps, but instead of physical items, they represent digital creations. People buy and sell them to collect and own something special in the digital world.

For example: A famous artist creates a limited edition digital painting and converts it into an NFT. Collectors bid on it, and the highest bidder becomes the owner of that exclusive artwork.

Art NFTs

Art NFTs are a type of Collectible NFTs that represent digital artworks like paintings, sculptures, and photographs. These can be created by both professional artists and aspiring ones. Art NFTs are often sought after by art lovers, collectors, and investors.

Example: An up-and-coming digital artist creates a stunning 3D sculpture and turns it into an NFT. People who appreciate the artist’s work bid on it to add it to their digital art collection.

10 Different Types of NFTs You Should Know in 2023

Music NFTs

Do you love music? Music NFTs represent digital music files like songs, albums, and music videos. It’s like owning a unique and special version of your favorite songs in the digital world.

Example: A popular musician releases a limited edition album as an NFT. Fans can buy these NFTs to own exclusive versions of the music and support their favorite artist.

Video NFTs

Similar to Music NFTs, Video NFTs represent digital videos, including movies, TV shows, and music videos. It’s like owning a one-of-a-kind digital movie poster or scene.

Example: A famous movie director releases a limited edition of their blockbuster film as an NFT. Movie enthusiasts can bid on these NFTs to own a rare piece of digital movie history.

10 Different Types of NFTs You Should Know in 2023

Game NFTs

Gamers, this one’s for you! Game NFTs represent digital items that you can use within video games, such as special characters, powerful weapons, or unique skins for your favorite game characters.

Example: In an online game, you can buy an NFT that gives you a legendary sword. This NFT is unique, and you can use it only in that specific game. Sometimes, you can sell them for real-world money.

Metaverse NFTs

The metaverse is like a vast digital universe where people can explore, interact, and create. Metaverse NFTs represent digital items like virtual land, buildings, and avatars that you can use and show off within this digital world.

Example: You can purchase an NFT that grants you ownership of a virtual piece of land in the metaverse. You can build and design your dream virtual house on this land!

Utility NFTs

Utility NFTs provide special perks or benefits to their owners. These could be access to exclusive clubs, special discounts on digital products, or early access to new releases.

Example: You might own an NFT that gives you VIP access to virtual events or concerts within the metaverse.

Staking NFTs

Staking NFTs can be “staked” or locked up to earn rewards. These rewards could be in the form of cryptocurrency or other digital assets.

Example: By staking your NFT on a specific platform, you could earn some extra cryptocurrency over time.

10 Different Types of NFTs You Should Know in 2023

Governance NFTs

Governance NFTs give the owner voting rights. Imagine having a say in how a digital project or platform should evolve or make decisions.

Example: If you own a Governance NFT for a decentralized social media platform, you can vote on new features or rules for that platform.


DeFi (Decentralized Finance) NFTs are used in financial applications within the blockchain. These NFTs can represent ownership of assets used for lending, borrowing, and other financial activities.

Example: You could use a DeFi NFT as collateral to borrow cryptocurrency in a decentralized lending platform.

In other words;

NFTs have opened up a whole new world of possibilities, creativity, and ownership for artists, musicians, gamers, and enthusiasts. People love them because they’re unique, scarce, and can hold sentimental or financial value. It’s like owning a piece of history in the digital age!

It’s essential to understand the various types of NFTs, how they work, and their potential impact on the future of digital ownership. Whether you’re an art lover, a gamer, or someone interested in the metaverse, NFTs offer something unique and exciting for everyone!

Remember, like anything on the internet, NFTs can be fun and fascinating, always make sure to research and understand what you’re buying and investing in. Enjoy exploring the digital world of NFTs, and who knows, you might even become an NFT creator or collector yourself one day!



Gamic HQ

Gamic is a community chat app for individuals, gamers, creators, and blockchain enthusiasts.