The 5-Why Analysis to identify the Root Cause Problem

Ganel Kumar
2 min readAug 3, 2023


In the world of problem-solving, the 5-Why analysis stands out as a powerful technique that helps uncover the root causes of issues. By repeatedly asking “why,” we can delve deeper into the underlying factors contributing to a problem.

In this article, we will explore how the 5-Why analysis can be applied in two different industries: SaaS (Software as a Service) and Manufacturing. Through real-world examples, we will demonstrate how this technique can lead to effective solutions and improved outcomes.

1: Solving Customer Churn in a SaaS Tool
Problem: A SaaS company is grappling with a high rate of customer churn, impacting its growth and profitability.

Using the 5-Why analysis, we uncover the root cause:

  • Why are customers canceling their subscriptions? Customers are not finding value in the product.
  • Why are customers not finding value in the product? The product lacks key features that customers need.
  • Why does the product lack key features? The product development team did not prioritize their development.
  • Why did the team not prioritize those features? They lacked sufficient customer feedback and data.
  • Why did the team lack customer feedback and data? The company did not have a systematic process to collect and analyze customer feedback

Solution: Establishing a systematic process to collect and analyze customer feedback, prioritizing feature development based on customer needs, and improving communication between teams can address the root cause and reduce customer churn.

2: Resolving Equipment Downtime in Manufacturing
Problem: A manufacturing plant is plagued by frequent equipment downtime, leading to production delays and decreased efficiency.

Using the 5-Why analysis, we uncover the root cause:

  • Why is the equipment experiencing frequent downtime? The cooling system is not functioning properly.
  • Why is the cooling system malfunctioning? The cooling system filters are clogged with dirt and debris.
  • Why are the filters clogged? The maintenance team has not been regularly cleaning and replacing them.
  • Why has maintenance been neglected? There is no established maintenance schedule or process for filter cleaning and replacement.

Solution: Implementing a regular maintenance schedule, providing training and resources to the maintenance team, and conducting inspections can address the root cause and minimize equipment downtime.

Conclusion: The 5-Why analysis is a valuable problem-solving technique that can be applied across various industries. In the SaaS industry, it helps identify the root causes of customer churn, leading to improved product development and customer satisfaction.

By asking “why” multiple times, we can dig deeper into the core issues, enabling us to develop effective solutions that address the root cause. The 5-Why analysis empowers organizations to tackle problems head-on and achieve better outcomes.

So, the next time you encounter a problem, remember to ask “why” and embark on a journey of discovery that will lead you to the heart of the matter.

