How Blockchain Technology Is Transforming Industries: A Career Guide

Ganesh Kumar
5 min readSep 8, 2023


The digital economy has gone through a complete overhaul due to Blockchain technology. This transformation has led corporations such as Google, Yahoo, and Amazon to emerge as world leaders by adopting Blockchain and transforming how things used to be.

Cryptocurrencies are said to be the starting point for Blockchain technology. This technology emerged because of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which emerged after the 2008 global stock market crash and economic crisis. Though initially meant for financial transactions, Blockchain has quickly spread to various fields such as insurance, banking, stock markets, healthcare, property and asset records, real estate, smart contracts, and more.

Currently, two blockchain technologies play a significant role on the global stage.

  • The Bitcoin Blockchain: This was created to ensure secure and transparent accounting of virtual currencies. It decentralized the transfer of money and the trading of cryptocurrencies, making them secure and transparent.
  • Ethereum blockchain: Similar to the Bitcoin blockchain, Ethereum adds a layer of programming logic. This means it manages digital activities like accounts and transactions and serves as a platform that users can program for various purposes.

Blockchain technology can revolutionize and redefine business practices. Its versatility translates into many advantages, like better operational efficiency and reduced expenses. Consequently, blockchain applications extend across various industries, from financial services and supply chain management to healthcare and identity verification.

Because blockchain technology offers many benefits to different industries, learning about it through Blockchain certification training can help. Also, it could be a great choice if you’re considering starting a career in IT, as companies are eager to hire Certified Blockchain Developers in IT, making it a promising career choice.

Tech Skills Taught Under Blockchain Certification Training

When you undergo blockchain certification training, you’ll acquire various skills, including the following. These skills are essential for a successful career in blockchain technology.

  1. Coding Skills: These are important for logical thinking and problem-solving.
  2. Cryptography: Understanding how to secure data using hash functions and digital signatures.
  3. Blockchain Architecture: Learning about the structure of blockchains, as described in the Bitcoin whitepaper.
  4. Programming Languages: Familiarity with programming languages like C, OOPS, JavaScript, etc.
  5. Data Structures: Knowledge of data structures like stacks, Merkle trees, and more.
  6. Smart Contracts: Knowing how to work with tools like the Truffle suite and platforms like Ethereum, EOS, etc., to create smart contracts.
  7. Development of Smart Contracts: Understanding how to build smart contracts using specific languages like Solidity.
  8. Web Development: The ability to develop both the front and back ends of decentralized applications, handle APIs, and create user interfaces for decentralized apps.

Advantages of Having a Blockchain Certification

Taking Blockchain certification training and eventually becoming certified in blockchain can be a smart move for your career. It opens doors to plenty of opportunities worldwide and benefits. Let’s explore these advantages in detail.

1. Simplicity and Compatibility: Blockchain technology is straightforward and does not require complex infrastructure or a setup. It uses a universal distributed ledger technology system with a versatile, advanced infrastructure that can efficiently work with other processes. This changes how data is shared among different blocks.

This foundational knowledge you receive in Blockchain certification training can be a stepping stone to understanding and applying Blockchain’s transformative capabilities in various sectors. For example, Blockchain simplifies tracking products from manufacturers to consumers in Supply Chain Management. Each step in the supply chain is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and reducing fraud.

2. Future Potential: While blockchain might not be quite popular right now, it has a lot of potential for the future. Learning it now allows you more opportunities and flexibility in the future job market.

According to a report by LinkedIn, blockchain-related job postings have increased significantly worldwide. Countries like the USA, Canada, and the UK highly demand blockchain experts.

3. Disruptive Technology: Blockchain is disruptive because it allows direct transactions between two parties without an intermediary. This is making many business players improve their skills and implement better strategies. Obtaining a Blockchain Certification equips professionals to harness and apply these transformative capabilities effectively.

For example, Blockchain allows for transparent and efficient property transactions in Real Estate. Property ownership records can be securely stored on the blockchain, reducing fraud and simplifying the buying process.

4. Expanding Beyond Finance: Currently, blockchain is mainly used for financial transactions, but it’s likely to spread to other industries in the future. Blockchain is currently a game changer and transforming industries worldwide like finance, healthcare, supply chain, real-estate etc.

For example, when used in Voting Systems, Blockchain can enhance the integrity of elections by creating a tamper-proof voting system. Votes are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring they cannot be altered.

Summing Up

The increasing demand for blockchain development over the next 7–8 is expected to increase for professionals in this field. This is primarily attributed to the unique characteristics of blockchain technology and its evolving ecosystem. Blockchain remains relatively nascent, unlike other established technology sectors like software development. Also, owing to the scarcity of skilled talent in blockchain development, it is expected to lead to higher salary levels than other technology industry segments.

One crucial factor in the scarcity of Blockchain talent is the absence of a formal educational program that is dedicated to this domain. While traditional software development has many degrees and courses, blockchain expertise is usually self-acquired or obtained through recognized blockchain certification training, which is a handful.

On one hand, corporations with huge-scale enterprise software projects have become stable, and they have enough engineers to run and maintain them. Smaller blockchain projects are constantly changing and growing, especially when just starting. As these blockchain projects develop, they need a more comprehensive range of skills and experts at different stages. This shows the constant need for top-notch Blockchain-certified professionals and why they can earn good salaries in this growing field.

As we conclude, if you aspire to embark on a career as a blockchain developer, consider enrolling in a reputable institute such as Octovion for your blockchain certification course. This choice guarantees access to comprehensive theoretical insights, industry experts as trainers, technical expertise to apply your learning to real-world solutions, and a practical understanding of industry trends and relevant knowledge to propel your career forward.

Enhance your career prospects by gaining hands-on experience in Blockchain Technology through a dedicated blockchain certification training course. This is your opportunity to get a head start in your career journey. Feel free to email us at:



Ganesh Kumar

I manage large sales force supporting prospecting, sales activity and productivity as well as coaching the team to build relationships with long term care.