Sleep Night, Wake Up Right

Ganesh Nomula
2 min readJan 9, 2019
Source: Google, Everyone has to sleep properly and wake up properly.

Yesterday, I took a power nap for a while and later in the night I couldn't feel like sleeping, so I started reading a book called Make Time by Jake Knapp. I read it until 2:00 AM and finally slept. I had a conference to be taken care of, and I had to be there by 8:00 AM, and I woke up at 7:57 AM. That really sucked, I was late by 20 minutes. I should have probably slept on time and wake up on time.

This really a lesson that I should take up seriously, If I overdo work in the previous night, it starts to delay the new day. After all the mess I was out from my work and conference. Thank god, everything went well. Later, I found free game of thrones books at my office, I'm not a big fan of that series. But, my roommate is, so I got those books for him.

Later, I went to library and got rented a projector and few books for competitive exam I'm about to prepare. So many things are adding to my plate, but I planned everything properly thus enables to reach what I planned for.

I met my advisor with whom I have a very good relationship. She was really happy by seeing me after long long time, we spoke a lot about my health, life in general and mental health. I'm always ready and very excited to talk about mental health. Especially this generation needs a lot of mental health education because many individuals are being affected by something not real. I will talk about all of them in my future posts for sure.

During our conversation, I shared a wonderful story. That was told by my school teacher in my childhood. It was really an amazing feeling to recollect such stories. Later I'm back home and I did not eat anything since morning. So I was craving for food then. We cooked and I ate. I started reading again Make Time and slept while I was reading.

Just a while ago, one of my close friends made a surprise visit to my new house. We cooked and ate together, for me friends are the family away from home. Now, I have to work on a small design project for which I gave my commitment and I'm responsible from start to end of it.

I'm really happy to write everyday and I hope I will continue writing some or the other thing continuously.

Good Night :)



Ganesh Nomula

Living in my 8000 series days with my pals Writing, Reading, CODEsign. I love to write my silent musings. Quora: