Zinc & Iron Rich healthy Red Rice-Rakthashali

Surely you have heard about brown rice, white rice, and even black rice, all of which have a nutritional value. But what about red rice? Here’s what’s important to know about red rice, its health benefits.

Ganesh Babaso Kshirsagar
5 min readJan 1, 2023

Why it Is called Red Rice ?

Absolutely, the ‘Red’ color has everything to do with the name of this type of rice. But there is much more to this grain than just its pretty color.

Rakthashali, also known as Chennellu, among other rice varieties, is the most rare. Dating back to 3,000 years it is considered to be nearly extinct. ‘Raktha’ means blood in Sanskrit, suggesting that the rice has properties that are blood-enhancing.

Red Rakthashali Rice

In Ayurveda, it is believed to have the power to restore balance in the Tridoshas — Vatha, Pitha, and Kafa… in other words, maintains equilibrium in the body. Mentioned across ancient manuscripts of Ayurveda for it’s potency to treat ailments such as allergies, liver or kidney dysfunction, nerve disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, and even cancer.

There has been recent increase in the demand for ethnic rice such as Raktashali, mostly for it’s medicinal values and use in Ayurvedic medicine. With over 200 varieties of rice, the efforts in present time to popularize them, has thus brought about a revival of several variants.

Source — https://blog.ebounti.com/red-rice-benefits/

Growing Field of Rakthashali Red Rice in Maharashtra :

Shirala Tahasil in Sangli District of Maharashtra is well- Known for rice cultivation. About 45 rice varieties are cultivated in different localities of Shirala tahasil. The tehsil has large area under thick forests due to heavy monsoon rains.

Taluka Shirala (also called Nagbhumi), which is located in Western Ghat, near Chandoli Forest and Warana Vasant Sagar Dam.

Special Interview of District Agricultural Officer Manoj Kumar Vetal Sir :

Farm of Rakthashali Rice with farmer Dhanaji Patil
Seeds of Rakthashali Rice

Health Benefits of Rakthashali Rice :

1. Controls Blood Sugar Glucose :

Rice remains a prohibited food for diabetics. But, red rice is known to have a glycemic indicator of roughly 55, which makes it a good choice for diabetics.

High sugar levels impact all major organs negatively and can lead to numerous health complications. Red rice benefits for diabetes also include lower insulin situations and feeling quenched for longer intervals.

2. Better Bone health :

Red rice benefits those battling the onset of arthritis, osteoporosis and other bone disorders with its high calcium and magnesium content.

3. Weight Loss trigger :

The common notion is to cut down on rice if you are trying to lose some pounds. But that holds true only for the polished white varieties. Adding red rice to your meals keeps you satiated for longer,thus lowering hunger pangs. It is low on carbs and fat and can be a great lunch and dinner companion.

4. Stay younger for longer:

Anthocyanin present in red rice is a natural antioxidant that can prevent premature ageing of the skin and keep you looking younger for longer. With its iron and vitamins, red rice benefits in reducing the effects of UV induced skin problems from exposure to sun rays. These also help in the production of red blood cells in the body that are essential for good skin health.

5. Promotes a healthy heart :

Red rice is a whole grain that is believed to bring down the bad cholesterol in the body.This prevents clogged arteries and resultant heart ailments that could prove fatal.

6. Immunity Booster :

Red rice contains selenium which fights infections in the body and antioxidants and magnesium that prevent and cure various ailments.

7. Vitamin B6 rich :

Vitamin B6 is crucial in DNA synthesis and to make red blood cells. The human body cannot make this vitamin on its own, and thus depends on external sources for it. The red rice nutritional value chart shows a considerable presence of B6 among other vitamins, and can help prevent chronic illnesses with regular consumption.

What Does Red Rice Taste Like?

The exact flavor profile will depend on the variety of red rice, but it tends to be nuttier and more subtly sweet than other types of rice. Texturally, red rice is very similar to brown rice: somewhat chewy due to the outer coating (bran) but tender on the inside.

Choose the right for your health:

Having talked about the huge benefits of Red rice, it is important to buy it well. There are umpteen brands and varieties to choose from in today’s digital world. So, it pays to know the distinction well and buy smart.

We provide the best, healthy, hand-milled red rice which will definitely help to your health. Considering the importance of red rice according to Ayurveda and its experience and the number of consumers are increasing day by day so with the help of Government of Maharashtra, we are increasing the paddy field for this Red Rice.

Hence are providing the varieties specially that are being forbidden in this new era of time.



Ganesh Babaso Kshirsagar

Agricultural Supervisor, currently working at Taluka Agricultural Office, Shirala,Maharashtra