How Far Can You Automate Equity Research Report Using AI?

Ganesh Voona
3 min readSep 3, 2024


Exploring the Boundaries of AI in Streamlining Equity Research Processes

Equity research reports are the backbone of investment decisions. They’re detailed, data-rich, and require a mix of quantitative analysis and qualitative insight. Traditionally, these reports are the domain of analysts who spend hours, sometimes days, digging through data, analyzing trends, and formulating recommendations. But how far can we push this process into the realm of automation using AI?

Recently, we explored this exact problem at, aiming to understand how much of the equity research process could be automated with AI. Here’s what we found.

The Multi-Step Process

Generating a comprehensive equity research report is a multi-step process. It involves:

  1. Data Collation: Gathering all relevant data about the company.
  2. Analysis: Digging deep into both qualitative and quantitative information.
  3. Thesis Formulation: Making recommendations — should you buy, sell, or hold?
  4. Report Generation: Packaging everything neatly into a report with charts, tables, and narratives.

Let’s break down each step and see how AI, particularly with the help of, can enhance this process.

Data Collation: Automating the Basics

The first step is all about collecting data. It’s tedious, repetitive, and ripe for automation. With, AI can easily gather and organize data from financial statements, earnings calls, investor presentations, and market reports. Additionally, it can pull together data from less structured sources like news articles or social media.

But there’s a catch. AI is great at collecting and organizing data, but it needs to know what to look for. This means setting up the right datasets and inputs beforehand. It’s not magic — it’s preparation.

Analysis: Assisting, Not Replacing

Next comes analysis. This is where things get tricky. AI, supported by, can help with some parts of the analysis, like identifying trends in financial data or spotting conflicting information in management’s statements. It can also highlight concerns raised by analysts in earnings calls.

But AI can’t reason. It can’t make the nuanced judgments that a human analyst can. AI is like a powerful assistant — it can surface relevant information and point out discrepancies, but it’s up to the analyst to make sense of it all.

Thesis Formulation: Still Human Territory

When it comes to making a call — whether to buy, sell, or hold — AI steps back. This is still very much the analyst’s domain. However, AI can support this process. For example, can run simulations to test different scenarios, helping the analyst validate or reject their hypotheses.

But at the end of the day, the final recommendation comes down to human intuition, experience, and judgment. AI can assist, but it can’t replace this critical aspect of equity research.

Report Generation: Full Automation

Finally, we get to report generation. This is where AI shines. Once the data is collated and analyzed, AI through can generate a comprehensive report using predefined templates. Charts, tables, narratives — AI can pull it all together into a polished document ready for distribution.

With, you can generate reports for multiple companies at the click of a button. It’s fast, efficient, and consistent. But, as with data collation, the templates and formats need to be set up in advance.

The Verdict

So, how far can you automate an equity research report using AI? Quite far, but not all the way.

AI can streamline data collection and automate the report generation process. It can assist with analysis, highlighting trends and inconsistencies, but it can’t replace the analyst’s judgment. When it comes to making a recommendation, AI is a tool, not a decision-maker.

The real power of AI in equity research lies in its ability to enhance the analyst’s work, making the process faster and more efficient without sacrificing the quality of the insights.

At, we believe AI is an invaluable tool for generating equity research reports. But it’s still just that — a tool. The human touch remains essential for delivering the nuanced, insightful analysis that investors rely on.

As AI continues to evolve, we might see even more of this process become automated. But for now, it’s about finding the right balance between automation and human expertise. And that’s a balance worth getting right.

