Going 100% online increases odds of Meeting Recovery Syndrome

2 min readApr 10, 2020


Admittedly a weird label for an issue most of us have experienced first hand.

Every week, employees spend about six hours in meetings, while the average manager meets for a staggering 23 hours.

The result is not only hundreds of billions of wasted dollars, but an exacerbation of what organisational psychologists call:

“meeting recovery syndrome”

This is the time we spent cooling off and regaining focus after a (useless) meeting.

When we sit through an ineffective meeting our focus is essentially being drained away, taking on average 45 mins to recover after a poor meeting.

Meetings sap stamina, productivity and employee wellbeing if they last too long, fail to engage or turn into one-sided lectures.

So besides being a nice pub quiz fact, why is this important?

Because since going full online due to the Virus crisis, many people are seeing an increase in communication.

From to chat, email and yes, from online meetings.

So as managers, team leader, HR it is important to know how well or poorly this increased communication is being conducted and handled.

So you have a roadmap to better serve your teams and organisations as they get used to 100% online working and meeting.

Interested in learning how to track markers that can trigger MRS and its adverse impact?

Sign up here to trial myMeeting.info. Analyze meeting experiences, so you can to uncover how they impact team productivity and wellbeing.




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