Garage Door Maintenance :Tips to Avoid Costly Repairs

Garage Door Repair Longmont CO
3 min readJun 20, 2024


A well-maintained garage door not only looks good but also saves you money by preventing expensive repairs. Here are some easy tips to keep your garage door in great shape.

1. Regularly Inspect Your Door

Take a few minutes every month to check your garage door. Look for any signs of wear and tear, such as rust or cracks. Pay attention to the springs, cables, and rollers. These parts work hard every time you open and close the door. If you notice anything unusual, it might be time to call a garage door repair company. Early detection can prevent small issues from becoming big problems.

2. Lubricate Moving Parts

Your garage door has many moving parts that need to stay lubricated to function smoothly. Use a good quality lubricant on the rollers, tracks, and hinges every few months. This simple step can prevent a lot of noise and reduce wear. Make sure to use a lubricant designed for garage doors, as other types can attract dust and grime, which can do more harm than good.

3. Test the Balance

A balanced garage door is crucial for its smooth operation. To check the balance, disconnect the opener by pulling the release handle (usually a red cord). Manually lift the door halfway. If it stays in place, it’s balanced. If it falls, the springs might need adjustment. This is a job for a professional garage door repair company, as adjusting the springs can be dangerous.

4. Clean the Tracks

Dirt and debris can accumulate in the tracks and cause your garage door to malfunction. Use a damp cloth to wipe the tracks clean every few months. Avoid using any harsh chemicals, as they can damage the tracks. Clean tracks ensure the door moves smoothly and doesn’t get stuck.

5. Tighten Loose Hardware

Over time, the hardware on your garage door can become loose due to the constant movement and vibration. Check all the bolts and screws on your door and tighten any that are loose. This includes the brackets that hold the door tracks to the ceiling and walls, the bolts that secure the garage door opener unit, and the bolts in the door itself. This simple maintenance task can prevent bigger problems down the road.

6. Check the Auto-Reverse Feature

Your garage door opener has an auto-reverse feature that prevents it from closing if something is in the way. Test this feature by placing a small object, like a roll of paper towels, in the door’s path. If the door doesn’t reverse after touching the object, it needs to be repaired immediately. This safety feature is crucial to prevent injuries and accidents.


Regular garage door maintenance can save you from costly repairs and extend the life of your garage door. By following these simple tips, you can keep your garage door in top condition. If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to call a garage door repair company like Garage Doors 4 U. Remember, a little maintenance goes a long way!

Maintaining your garage door is like maintaining your car; regular care can prevent major issues and extend its lifespan. So, set a reminder to check and maintain your garage door regularly. If you ever need help, Garage Doors 4 U, a trusted garage door repair company, is just a call away.

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