5 Ways Writing a To-Do List Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Gaby Garant
3 min readFeb 1, 2023


Stress and anxiety are two of the most common mental health issues that people face. One of the most common triggers for stress and anxiety is feeling overwhelmed by what needs to be done. One way to address this feeling is by using a to-do list. A to-do list can prioritize the tasks that need to be accomplished. Below, I have followed my own advice and created a list of the methods and benefits for writing one.

  1. Prioritizing Tasks

When there are several tasks to complete, it can be hard to know where to start. But there is a way to combat this uncomfortable feeling. First, write down all the tasks that need to be done. Next, circle the tasks that are urgent. Number those in order of importance. Your first item should be the most urgent and the most important. Next, number the remaining tasks in order of importance.

2. Setting Realistic Goals

The most important thing is to make sure that the goals being set are realistic. A to-do list can help us break down our goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. Look at the first item on your list. Sometimes urgent and important tasks are daunting. Pick one step you can take toward completing that task. If your first item is “apply to graduate school” and deadlines are looming, begin by gathering the website addresses for your top five schools and put them into a document. Can you already feel the stress fading?

3. Provides a Sense of Control

To-do lists are a tool that can be used to provide a sense of control in our lives. We can use to-do lists to focus our attention on the smaller subtasks. Once those tasks have been accomplished, crossing them off your list is a satisfying way to see your progress of what you’ve done and what other tasks you have left. It will then be easier to reprioritize the smaller list.

4. Memory

Taking the time to write down your tasks can help you better remember what needs to be done. Memory plays an important role in this process as it brings to mind tasks that may have been forgotten or overlooked. Writing down your to-do list allows you to keep track of all of your tasks in one place, making it easier to “record and forget.” Knowing that you have a list lets you take a break from the worry.

5. Reward Yourself for Accomplishments

It’s important to reward yourself for your accomplishments. Taking time to recognize your successes and celebrate them can be a great way to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Rewarding yourself can include watching an episode of your favorite TV show, getting together with friends, being active outdoors or playing a sport, making music, or being artistically creative. It’s important to reward your accomplishments and progress because, otherwise, forming new habits and learning from them won’t be as enjoyable if you don’t take time to celebrate yourself and your hard work.

#COMM 206




Gaby Garant

I'm an SOU student who enjoys creating visuals from material that I've read. Making it appealing for my viewers and helping them want to learn more.