Deporting Kids With Cancer

Edward Garcia
3 min readAug 30, 2019


Recently, without doing it publicly I might add, the Trump Administration sent letters to people’s homes who just received permission to stay in the country, that they now have 30 days to leave the country on their own. Parents are now being forced to decide whether they will listen to the government or unplug their children from their hospital beds.

Personally, I understand the downside of giving full benefits to immigrants. I have known people that have taken advantage of the benefits that the government gives, in some cases having more children in order to receive more benefits. So I fully understand why some people might have the argument that immigrants are only coming to this country to use the government to their advantage. However, this in no case should relate to actual families that have come to this country in order to have a chance of survival.

For the Trump Administration, people’s illnesses should be taken care of in their own countries, but people wouldn’t be risking their lives crossing mountains, rivers, and deserts in order to have another day of life. Parents with children that have ongoing illnesses and diseases should have the human right of asking for help and having someone assist. The United States might be in a very strict position with immigrants and their legal status, but it shouldn’t be the country that sends children with illnesses like cancer back to where they came from.

Believe it or not, the United States of America was born on immigration seeking a better life from “where they came from.” This is the reason as to why any person needs to immigrate to another country; their life is in danger or is close to death.

Parents should not be put in the position where they must decide the life of their child because that is why they came to this country. They came to seek a chance for their children to live another day and not worry about being forced to leave the only place that can help.

In Miami, attorney Milena Portillo told The Miami Herald, “We as a country, we are losing our humanitarian side.” This is a very close way to put our position, as of today. Unfortunately, when people refer to the entire country in this way, the rest forget about the actual people that care and want to prove that not everyone in this country is heartless and uncaring. People with actual care for the self-care of other people is what everyone should be taught. Even though many might have been taught this in elementary school, they never actually continue it in the real world. That is those people should be the ones being sent as far away from this country, as well as stamping a huge tattoo on their foreheads that says, “I support deporting kids with cancer.”

