Breathtaking: Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf Revealed!

5 min readJun 25, 2023


Dischidia hirsuta Red Leaf
Dischidia hirsuta Red Leaf

Discover the captivating Dischidia hirsuta Red Leaf, also known as the red leaf dischidia! This incredible plant adds a natural touch of beauty to any home. With its stunning red tinged leaves and gracefully cascading growth, it has become an esteemed option among plant enthusiasts.


dischidia hirsuta red leaf
Dischidia hirsuta Red Leaf

Dischidia hirsuta ‘Red Leaf’ is a fascinating plant with succulent leaves that are round with pointed tips. These leaves have a unique red color and tiny bumps on the surface, thanks to a pigment called anthocyanin. The plant also produces small yellow to orange flowers on its vines during the warmer months. It’s a rare cultivar that plant enthusiasts love for its attractive features.


Dischidia hirsuta ‘Red Leaf’
Dischidia hirsuta Red Leaf

You know what’s amazing? Dischidia hirsuta ‘Red Leaf’ can actually thrive in small pots! You don’t need anything fancy — just a simple container with a diameter of 6–8 inches and some drainage holes will do. You can even get creative and use big glasses, giant coffee mugs, or pretty ceramics to show off this stunning plant. And here’s the best part: you can also hang it in a vertical wall planter, place it in a cute hanging basket, or brighten up a cozy corner next to your favorite books! It’s a versatile and beautiful vine that can bring life to any space.


Choosing the Right Location:

To ensure the optimal growth of your Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plant, it is important to choose the right location within your home. To unleash the full potential of your Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plant, it yearns for the gentle embrace of bright, indirect light. Position it close to a window facing the north or east, allowing the soft rays to bathe its foliage.

However, be mindful of the sun’s fierce gaze, for direct sunlight can cause harm, scorching those delicate leaves you cherish. Shield it from the sun’s wrath, and watch your plant thrive in its cozy corner of filtered radiance.

Temperature and Humidity :

In the realm of temperature and humidity, Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plants crave the cozy embrace of warmth and humidity, reminiscent of their tropical origins. During the sunny hours, Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plants bask in the delightful range of 70°F to 80°F (21°C to 27°C), finding solace in this temperature sweet spot. But as night falls, a gentle chill graces their surroundings. Ah, the desires of humidity! Fear not, for you hold the power to fulfill their yearning.

Prepare to unveil your tricks, for your plant awaits the pampering it craves. Mist its leaves regularly, giving them a refreshing dew-like shower, or grant your plant the luxury of lounging on a tray filled with water and pebbles, creating a miniature oasis of moisture. Embrace the balance of temperature and humidity, and witness your Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plant flourish in all its verdant glory!

Potting and Repotting :

Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf, like other variegated varieties, may grow slower than non-variegated plants but still benefits from repotting every year or so. Repot if the soil becomes compacted, hindering proper watering and airflow around the roots.

Repotting is simple. Ideally, do it in spring when your plant experiences a growth spurt. Carefully lever the pot using a trowel or knife, avoiding pulling the plant up by its stems. Massage the root ball to break it up and remove old soil, especially if it has hardened.

Add some soil to the bottom of a new pot with drainage holes, approximately 2–3 inches larger than the old pot. Place your Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf upright in the new pot and fill the sides with soil. Thoroughly water the plant, adding more soil to account for settling. Resume the care routine that made your plant happy, but avoid fertilizing for at least a month after repotting. Some drooping and shock are normal initially, but they should subside after a week or two.

Soil :

To provide an ideal environment for your Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf plant, use a well-aerated soil that drains quickly. For optimal growth, use a peaty soil with a pH level between 5.5 and 7, which is considered fairly neutral.As Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf plants are epiphytic and do not rely heavily on soil in their natural habitat, it is crucial to provide sufficient airflow around their roots.Avoid using dense soil that can suffocate or drown the roots if it retains too much water.

Potting Mix Recipe: Making an Ideal Medium for Your Plant

If you prefer making your own potting mix, here’s a simple recipe that works well:

5 parts orchid bark
4 parts coir
5 parts perlite
2 parts activated charcoal
2 parts worm castings
This mix provides balanced moisture retention and drainage, maintains a slightly acidic to neutral pH preferred by Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf, and offers essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Watering :

Maintaining appropriate moisture levels is crucial for Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plants. Water the plant thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry, but avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Always remember to empty the excess water from the drainage tray to prevent waterlogging.

Fertilization :

During the growing season, regularly fertilize your Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf with a gentle liquid fertilizer. Opt for an N-P-K ratio of 5–2–3 to promote healthy foliage and strong root development.

Overfertilization :

While your Dischidia Hirsuta Red Leaf requires nutrients, it’s possible to overfertilize, leading to issues like white crusty deposits on the soil surface, brown spots on leaves, or drooping.

If you accidentally overfertilize, don’t worry. You can reverse the situation. Start by gently scraping off the crusty layer from the soil surface using a spoon. Then, move the pot to a suitable location like a sink, shower, or bathtub. Slowly pour water onto the soil, ensuring thorough drainage. Repeat this process two or three times for effective leaching, which helps remove excess minerals. If leaching isn’t effective due to compacted soil, consider repotting into fresh soil and prune away any damaged roots.

Pruning and Training :

Dischidia hirsuta red leaf plants have a trailing growth habit and can benefit from occasional pruning and training. Trim back any leggy or unruly stems to maintain a compact and bushier shape. You can also guide the plant’s growth by gently tying its vines to a trellis or support structure.

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