I Find Self — Promotion Tiring

What about you?

Paul Gardner
2 min readAug 20, 2022
Image from Wikipedia Commons: Self portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

I want more readers.

But self promotion tires me out. What about you?

When I was a kid, I had a paper route. On my first day, I had 44 customers. Four years later, on my last day, I had…44 customers.

Prizes were offered for increasing my paper-purchasers. And, of course, more customers = more money. But for me, $4 a week was good enough.

60 years later I’m on Medium. Instead of customers, its followers and readers. In lieu of 0 growth, there’s a steady uptick, for which I am gratified and, truth be told, satisfied.

I suppose, however, I could do more.

Instead of my paper’s circulation manager, I have tens of Medium authors telling me how I can get more followers.

And lots of writers I read have follower numbers in the stratosphere.

I just finished a Medium article by one of my favorite authors. He has lots of followers, claps and comments, richly deserved. His article included:

  • A link to another of his articles.
  • A statement the reader could use his link to join Medium, with a small commission to him.
  • A link to his About Me page.
  • A request to buy him a morning coffee.

Medium needs my enterprising friend, with followers in K’s.

And the world needs entrepreneurs.

What about folks like me? Steady Eddie’s & Abbey’s. And, perhaps, you.

Curious, I looked up antonyms for enterprising and discovered: cowardly, inactive, lazy, lethargic, unadventurous, & passive.


And then I discovered meek. Initially, nope.

And then, yep, as in, the meek will inherit the earth.

To Timmy who shared that paperboy pick-up corner with me in 1962 and whose bundle got bigger every week.

And to my many entrepreneurial Medium friends, your day is coming and I’m taking names.

Until then , the embed below is my concession to self-promotion.





Paul Gardner

I’m a retired college professor. Politics was my subject. Please don’t hold either against me. Having fun reading, writing, and meeting.