Excel Matrix Lookup with Lambda

Gareth Stretton
2 min readJul 30, 2022

This article shares how to make a matrix lookup in Excel with Lambda.

MLOOKUP — A custom Lambda function for Matrix Lookups

Assumptions about you…

  • You know what a matrix is and want to look up values in one
  • You already know about Lambda functions (and have Office 365)

Let’s waste no time and jump straight into the code…

The lambda code

=LAMBDA(array, left_header, top_header,
row_array, MAKEARRAY(ROWS(array), 1, LAMBDA(row, col, INDEX(array, row, 1))),
col_array, MAKEARRAY(1, COLUMNS(array), LAMBDA(row, col, INDEX(array, 1, col))),
row_index, MATCH(left_header, row_array, 0),
col_index, MATCH(top_header, col_array, 0),
INDEX(array, row_index, col_index, 1)

Example usage


// Showing parameter names...
=MLOOKUP(array, left_header, top_header)
// Showing example arguments...
=MLOOKUP(A1:D4, C7, C6)
// Show example values...
=MLOOKUP(A1:D4, "Medium", "Square")

How does it work?

If you don’t care about how it is written, skip to the next section.

The lambda function accepts an array that has a heading on the left and top. These are accepted as variables: ‘array’, ‘left_header’, and ‘top_header’. (The names ‘left’ and ‘top’ were chosen to minimize confusion). In the above example, the array is cells A1 to D4. The left_header is ‘Medium’ and the top_header is ‘Square’.

The first step is to create a one dimensional array from the first column, that is from the values (0=Blank, 1=‘Small’, 2=‘Medium’, 3=‘Large’). We’ll need this to find the index of the left_header (‘Medium’).

MAKEARRAY(ROWS(array), 1, LAMBDA(row, col, INDEX(array, row, 1)))

And a one dimensional array from the first row, that is from the values (0=Blank, 1=‘Circle’, 2=‘Square’, 3=‘Triangle’). Likewise, this is needed to find the index of the top_header (‘Square’).

MAKEARRAY(1, COLUMNS(array), LAMBDA(row, col, INDEX(array, 1, col)))

With this in place the indices of the values ‘Medium’ and ‘Square’ can be found. The indices are 2 and 2.

MATCH(left_header, row_array, 0),
MATCH(top_header, col_array, 0)

Finally, the intersecting value can be retrieved using the function ‘INDEX’.

INDEX(array, row_index, col_index, 1)

What’s the alternative and why is it better?

The alternative is a long formula that can not be reused. ExcelJet.com provides a good explanation if you to see how it works.

This formula is better because it simple. You don’t have to re-write the formula each time to use it, just provide an array and headings.


Hope you find this helpful and let me know what you think.

Post Publish Update

u/AmphibiousWarFrogs from r/Excel suggested a more concise approach that uses VLOOKUP:

col_array, MAKEARRAY(1, COLUMNS(array), LAMBDA(row, col, INDEX(array, 1, col))),
col_index, MATCH(top_header, col_array, 0),

I took another stab at the problem and came up with another approach that is fun but overly complex:

col_index, REDUCE(0, array, LAMBDA(acc, val, IFS(acc>0, acc, AND(acc<0, val=top_header), (acc-1)*-1, TRUE, acc-1))),



Gareth Stretton

Entrepreneur, software engineer, electronics enthusiast, creator, dad, husband, inventor. What brings me joy is creating and sharing. https://ko-fi.com/gahrae