Obsidian: Control from Chrome

Gareth Stretton
4 min readDec 17, 2022

This article shares how to interact with your Obsidian Vault from within the Chrome web browser — specifically via the address bar. This technique can be used to search your vault, create a new note, or append content to an existing note.

I’m sharing this because it’s fun and interesting but not necessarily “the best way” to work with Obsidian.

I think it can be useful if you are already in Chrome and want to offload a bit of information. For example, you may wish to save a website address, save a TODO item, or create a new note for a fleeting idea.

Show Case

Below are GIFs that demonstrate: saving a link, saving a task, creating a new note, and searching your vault.

How Does It Work

The technique is a combination of Chrome’s Site Search and Obsidian’s URI protocol.

In Chrome, you can add our own search engine. You specify a keyword, say “youtube” and a URL “https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%s”. Once this is configured, you can quickly perform a search in the address bar. You simply type the keyword, press tab, enter your search term and hit…



Gareth Stretton

Entrepreneur, software engineer, electronics enthusiast, creator, dad, husband, inventor. What brings me joy is creating and sharing. https://ko-fi.com/gahrae