Dr Brad Yentzer: Choosing The Right Moisturizers For Your Skin

Brad Yentzer
7 min readJun 14, 2023


Are you looking for the best moisturizer for your skin type? Dr Brad Yentzer, a board-certified dermatologist and skincare expert, is here to help. With years of experience in helping patients achieve their ideal complexion, Dr Yentzer can provide advice on choosing the right moisturizers that will work with your specific skin type while also highlighting the benefits of using natural ingredients in skincare products. In this article, we’ll discuss different skin types and what type of moisturizers are best for each as well as tips on how to choose a quality product and when it should be used. So read on to learn more!

Dr Brad Yentzer Explains why choosing the right moisturizer is important

Choosing the right moisturizer is essential to achieving and maintaining healthy skin. Moisturizers are important for providing skin with hydration, which can reduce dryness, irritation, and signs of ageing. A good moisturizer will also help protect your skin from environmental damage, such as from harsh winds or sun overexposure. Additionally, using the correct type of moisturizer for your skin type can help to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and promote an even complexion.

The wrong type of moisturizer can be just as bad as not using any at all. Heavy creams that are too greasy can clog pores and cause breakouts while light lotions may not provide enough hydration to effectively treat certain skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Furthermore, ingredients like alcohol, parabens, phthalates, and fragrances can be irritating to some people and cause redness or worsening of existing skin conditions.

It’s important to take into consideration your individual needs when choosing a moisturizer; what works for someone else might not work for you. Dr Yentzer recommends visiting a dermatologist if you have any concerns about your skin before purchasing any new skincare products. They can provide advice on what kind of moisturizer would best suit your particular needs based on their professional experience and expertise in dermatology. It’s also worth doing some research on brands that use natural ingredients that are known for their beneficial effects on the skin such as hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, vitamin E, jojoba oil, shea butter, etc. By taking into account these factors when selecting a moisturizer, you’re more likely to find a product that will help improve the health of your skin while providing sufficient hydration without clogging pores or causing other types of irritation.

Different skin types and moisturizers that work best

There are many different skin types and each requires its specific type of moisturizer. For example, people with oily or combination skin should look for oil-free and non-comedogenic products that will provide hydration without clogging pores or causing breakouts. On the other hand, dry skin needs heavier creams with ingredients like ceramides, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and shea butter to help lock in moisture. People with sensitive skin should avoid products containing fragrances, alcohol, and parabens as these can cause irritation or a worsening of existing conditions.

It’s also important to consider age when selecting a moisturizer. Creams formulated for younger users tend to be lighter while those made specifically for mature skin contain more potent anti-ageing ingredients like retinol to help reduce the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines over time.

In addition to selecting the right type of moisturizer based on your individual needs, Dr Yentzer recommends using it twice daily — once in the morning after cleansing your face and once in the evening as part of your skincare routine — to ensure optimal results. Starting an effective skincare routine is key to achieving healthy-looking skin and by following these tips from Dr Yentzer you can find the perfect moisturizer for your unique skin type.

Tips on choosing a quality moisturizer for specific skin types

Choosing a quality moisturizer, it’s important to consider your individual needs and skin type. Start by determining whether your skin is oily, dry, combination or sensitive. Oily and combination skin should look for oil-free and non-comedogenic products that will provide hydration without clogging pores or causing breakouts. For dry skin, opt for heavier creams with ingredients like ceramides, glycerin, hyaluronic acid and shea butter to help lock in moisture. Those with sensitive skin should avoid products containing fragrances, alcohol and parabens as these can cause irritation or a worsening of existing conditions. Additionally, age is an important factor when selecting a moisturizer; cream formulations for younger users tend to be lighter while those made specifically for mature skin contain more potent anti-ageing ingredients like retinol.

Furthermore, research brands that use natural ingredients such as aloe vera, vitamin E, jojoba oil and hyaluronic acid which are known for their beneficial effects on the skin. You can also ask your dermatologist for advice on what kind of moisturizer would best suit your particular needs based on their professional experience and expertise in dermatology. Make sure to read product labels carefully to ensure you understand what each ingredient does before making any purchases.

Finally, it’s important to use your chosen moisturizer twice daily — once in the morning after cleansing your face and once in the evening as part of your skincare routine — to ensure optimal results. With proper care and knowledge of how to choose a quality moisturizer that works with specific skin types, you can achieve healthy-looking skin!

Benefits of using natural ingredients in skincare products

Natural ingredients used in skin care products have a variety of benefits that are beneficial to the skin. These ingredients can help to moisturize, protect, and nourish the skin while providing additional benefits that can improve overall health and well-being.

One of the most common natural ingredients found in skin care products is aloe vera. It is packed with vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidants which can help to nourish and protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Aloe vera also contains glycoproteins and polysaccharides which help to reduce inflammation caused by sunburn or acne. In addition, it helps to soothe dry or irritated areas of the skin.

Vitamin E is another popular ingredient used in skincare products due to its powerful antioxidant properties which help to fight off free radical damage. It also helps to encourage cell regeneration for healthier-looking skin and may even reduce the appearance of scars or stretch marks over time.

Jojoba oil is extracted from jojoba seeds, a plant native to Southern California, Mexico, and Arizona. It is an ideal protective barrier against environmental stressors such as pollution, smoke, or intense sunlight. Jojoba oil helps to lock in moisture due its high fatty acid content which gives it similar properties to human sebum — the body’s natural oil production which helps keep skin healthy and hydrated.

Finally, hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular natural ingredients used in skincare because it acts like a sponge, trapping water molecules on the surface of your skin while preventing moisture loss — an important step in keeping your complexion looking plump and youthful over time. It also improves elasticity levels for firmer skin as well as increases collagen production for more supple-looking skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

Overall natural ingredients used in skincare all provide excellent benefits for maintaining healthy-looking glowing skin without any harsh chemicals found in some commercial beauty products that could cause irritation or inflammation over time

How often to apply a moisturizer and when it should be used

When it comes to moisturizing the skin, it is important to apply your chosen product regularly — typically twice a day — to ensure optimal hydration and nourishment. Most skincare experts recommend applying your chosen moisturizer in the morning after cleansing your face and once more in the evening as part of your nightly skincare routine.

Using a moisturizer in the morning helps to protect your skin from environmental stressors throughout the day while locking in moisture so that your skin remains hydrated and healthy all day long. In addition, it can help to keep makeup looking smooth and flawless during those hot summer months when perspiration is more common.

At night, using a moisturizer again will help replenish lost moisture due to pollution or external factors, while also helping reduce dryness and flakiness overnight. Furthermore, certain products are designed specifically for nighttime use and contain ingredients such as retinol which have additional anti-ageing benefits that cannot be replicated with daytime products. When used correctly, these products can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles over time while also improving the overall texture of the skin.

Overall, using a quality moisturizer regularly — twice daily — is essential for maintaining healthy-looking glowing skin without any irritation or inflammation over time. It’s important to read product labels carefully before making any purchases, as well as consult with a board-certified dermatologist like Dr Brad Yentzer for advice on what kind of moisturizer would best suit your particular needs based on their professional experience and expertise in dermatology.

Smoothing and hydrating your skin starts with the right skincare routine. Natural ingredients are often the best option due to their gentleness on the skin and high levels of nutrients that can help maintain healthy-looking glowing skin over time. Jojoba oil is an ideal protective barrier against environmental stressors like pollution, smoke, or intense sunlight while hyaluronic acid can improve elasticity levels and increase collagen production for firmer-looking skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles. Moisturizing should be done twice a day — in the morning after cleansing and once again at night as part of your nightly skincare routine — to ensure optimal hydration and nourishment throughout the day. It is also important to read product labels carefully before making any purchases, as well as consult with a board-certified dermatologist like Dr Brad Yentzer for advice on what kind of moisturizer would best suit your particular needs based on their professional experience and expertise in dermatology. For more information about natural ingredients used in skincare or advice from a board-certified dermatologist, visit Dr Yentzer’s website at fingerlakesderm.com or call him directly at (607) 708–1330.



Brad Yentzer

Dr. Brad Yentzer: Treatment Solutions for Skin Conditions