How to put a gradient fade mask on an image in Figma

Gareth Wheeler
2 min readOct 28, 2022


Having had to google this several times as I always forget how to do this, I thought this brief tutorial would help others in the same predicament.

If you found this hint useful, you can buy me a coffee.

Step 1 — Drop an image on the canvas

This only works if you are using an image. Drag and drop it on to the canvas. It won’t work if you put an image fill in a shape or a frame.

This is the most important step. Always make sure to use an image, not a shape or frame.

Step 2 — Create a shape layer with a gradient

Create a normal gradient layer. Make sure it’s a shape and has two black colour stops where one of them has 0% opacity.

Step 4 — Put the gradient layer below the image and choose ‘use as mask’

Align the layers one on top of the other. Make sure the image is on top and the gradient layer is below. Select both layers, right click and choose ‘Use as Mask’.

Voila, its that simple.

Voila, it’s that simple.

If you found this hint useful, you can buy me a coffee.

